Foods We Often Peel Wrong

When you peel something the wrong way, a large part is often lost and it usually takes longer. Therefore, learn how to use certain products more efficiently and effectively.
Foods we often peel wrong

At the weekend we can finally enjoy our house and prepare a delicious homemade meal. We look for tasty recipes and we choose one that we have been wanting to try for a while. Suddenly we think,  ‘I don’t have that much time at all and now I have to peel and cut all these ingredients to prepare this meal.

In addition, we think about the products that we have been peeling and peeling wrongly all our lives: food that we have wasted and sometimes food that irritates us greatly because we do not know how to peel or cut it correctly.

How did we peel our food wrong?

The most common way to peel something isn’t always the most efficient way, as is often the case with a lot of other everyday tasks that could be done much more conveniently.

In this article, we’ll give you a few examples of ingredients that most of us have been awkwardly peeling our entire lives, and we’ll also give you advice on how to change this from now on.

Make use of your creativity. For example, you don’t always need a knife to remove the skin from something.

Get rid of the smell of garlic after you peel it

Peel garlic

If you’re used to holding garlic in your hands in order to peel it with a knife, you’ve probably noticed that the smell of this delicious ingredient sticks to your hands incredibly.

  • If you want to peel garlic well, put a few cloves in a plastic container with a lid and shake the container well back and forth.
  • With the help of this simple move you will reach your goal much faster, easier and cleaner.

Don’t waste another gram of potato

The usual way to get started with a potato is to peel the potato when it is cold. However, because potatoes are quite stiff and hard, this is not the most convenient way to remove the skin from potatoes.

  • A better way is to make a few slits in the potatoes first and then submerge them in boiling water.
  • You will be surprised at how easily you can peel the skin off the potato afterwards.

Peeling a boiled egg without using your hands

Peel an egg

How many times have you stumbled upon a piece of eggshell while eating? This is because our hands are not as reliable as we thought all along.

Try this trick and see for yourself how easy it can be to peel a egg:

  • Break off a piece of the shell to make an opening.
  • Then blow into this opening with your mouth.
  • This is the way to put a flawlessly boiled egg on your plate.

Don’t fight with your nuts: just wet them or roast them

Almonds in particular are a good example of how much effort it sometimes takes to get to your nut. Even if the nuts you have purchased have already been shelled, they usually still have a thin skin on them that prevents you from using the nuts properly during cooking.

  • You can solve this problem in two ways: try washing them or roast them.
  • In this case, you have to decide for yourself whether you prefer to use the nuts completely raw or not.

Peeling tomatoes is easy: just play with the temperature of the water

Skin a tomato

This peeling method is similar to the potato peeling method. The skin of tomatoes is often firmly attached to the flesh. As a result, we often encounter a lot of problems. We often become almost desperate when we have to skin tomatoes in the traditional way.

However, there is a more practical way to skin tomatoes:

  • First, make small slits at the bottom of your tomatoes.
  • Then poach them in boiling water.
  • Then place the tomatoes in a pan of ice-cold water so that the tomatoes don’t get cooked.
  • After that it will be very easy to remove the peel.

Use a glass rather than a knife when peeling hard fruits

Kiwi and mango, in particular, are some of the hardest fruits to peel: these fruits are so juicy that we often get splattered when we try to remove the skin, losing a lot of this delicious juiciness too.

  • It can therefore be useful not to peel this type of fruit with a knife in the future. Try it with the opening of a glass instead.
  • The pulp and juice will then end up in the glass. Plus, you won’t even get dirty and get most of the nutrients.

The perfect tangerine in three slices

peel mandarin

Tangerines have a strong odor. However, you can also peel this fruit in a different way than the most common way.

To keep your hands as clean as possible when peeling a mandarin, try the following:

  • As shown in the image above, you can make three cuts in the mandarin.
  • You will see that the mandarin will open almost by itself.

Peel a banana like you open a bag of chips

The traditional way to peel bananas is to start at the point where you separated the banana from the truss. However, this is the slowest way to peel a banana.

  • So try to start right at the bottom of your banana by holding the banana as if you were trying to open a bag of chips.
  • This will allow you to get the banana out of its peel super fast with one movement.

As you can see, there are a lot of simple, daily tasks that we actually always perform in the most difficult way, for example by peeling or peeling vegetables or fruit incorrectly.

Therefore, it is always best to be open to new methods. This allows you to see that you actually always did some things wrong.

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