Five Great, But Relatively Unknown Benefits Of Celery

Did you know that celery is one of the few vegetables that doesn’t lose nutrients when you cook it? So you can consume celery raw or cooked and get the same benefits in both cases. Learn more in this article!
Five Amazing, But Little-Known Benefits Of Celery

Celery is an edible plant that belongs to the Apiaceae family. As you can probably imagine, celery has many properties that can help keep your body healthy.

So today we would like to discuss some of the amazing benefits that this delicious vegetable has to offer. Make celery a regular part of your diet from now on!

An age-old ingredient

celery stalks

Wild celery is native to swampy and temperate climates in central Europe and western Asia. However, some historians believe that this plant originated from countries on the Mediterranean coast.

This vegetable has been cultivated by humans for about 800 to 900 years. For example, it was richly used by the ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks. Even Hippocrates recommended the use of this vegetable as a diuretic.

It was not until the Middle Ages that the benefits of this amazing plant also became known in Europe and people began to cultivate the plant more and more often.

Today, it is essential for anyone looking to lose some weight to include celery in their diet. After all, this vegetable contains only sixteen calories per 100 grams and consists of about 95% water.

In addition , the high fiber content means that you have to chew this vegetable very carefully when you eat it raw, so that you are full faster.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the other benefits celery offers.

The Amazing Benefits of Celery

celery juice

Adding celery to your meals can provide many benefits. Here are a few:

1. Promotes blood clotting

Celery is a great source of vitamin K, an essential ingredient for blood clotting. One cup of celery provides the body with thirty percent of the daily recommended amount of this vitamin.

2. Protects the heart

This well-known plant contributes to the health of the cardiovascular system. It does this in the following ways:

  • It regulates blood pressure. This is due to the potassium content of celery.
  • It is cholesterol lowering. The fiber in this vegetable removes cholesterol from your gut, preventing it from entering your bloodstream.
  • Finally, this vegetable has a calming effect, thanks to the presence of a phytochemical also called fallide.

3. Celery Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

The antioxidants in this vegetable help to reduce inflammation. That’s why celery is especially great if you suffer from inflammation due to gout or arthritis.

In addition, the flavonoids contained in this vegetable help to protect and strengthen your joints and connective tissue.

4. Takes care of the digestive system

This vegetable has been used for centuries to combat heartburn. However, it can do a lot more for your digestive system.

For example, celery is helpful to:

  • Prevent constipation, thanks to its high fiber content.
  • Promote the secretion of saliva and gastric juices, which is especially helpful for people who have slow or poor digestion.
  • Improve the health of the stomach lining.
  • Prevent the development of stomach ulcers.

5. Has a great purifying effect

Finally, this fantastic vegetable also helps the body to remove toxins and waste that it no longer needs.

In addition, it is also very effective to remove gallstones and kidney stones.

But that’s not all…


One of the great things about this vegetable is that you can eat it raw or cooked. Unlike other vegetables, celery does not lose any nutrients when you prepare the vegetable. 

If you don’t like to eat celery raw, you can cook the vegetable without missing out on its positive qualities!

Finally, we want to share one last benefit: celery makes men more attractive. 

We’re not kidding, we’re 100% serious. This plant contains large amounts of androstenone and androstenol, two male pheromones. Many scientists are convinced that these pheromones make men more attractive.

Either way, it’s clear that celery can be a great addition to both your own diet and your partner’s diet! It’s an excellent way to take care of your health!

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