Finding Yourself By Getting Lost First

It is normal for the mind to wander at times to put its thoughts and ideas in order, to escape for a while from the reality that surrounds you, to become stronger.
Find yourself by getting lost first

Sometimes losing yourself is the best way to find yourself. This means freeing yourself from certain bonds, suffocating environments, and the pressures that create stress and anxiety.

Getting lost does not equate to deviating from your life path. Not even at all. Getting lost is more related to rediscovering yourself, because you once lost yourself, because you stopped taking care of yourself.

An interesting article published in 2014 in the journal Psychology Today  explains that the brain also needs a “vacation” on a regular basis. This is an interesting idea that we should all put into practice more often.

The idea is simple: take a step back from everything around you, to create opportunities to discover new things.

This can help you access stimulating scenarios where you can learn more about yourself and discover who you essentially really are.

Do you dare?

The courage to get lost and find yourself

You have those people who have never “lost” themselves, not once in their entire life. And believe it or not, this is neither healthy nor enriching.

Your life cycle should never be one straight line that leads you directly to a concrete and satisfying goal.

People tend to follow certain roads, forks in the road, small side roads and even sometimes the wrong road. Sometimes you even end up in a veritable labyrinth, and suddenly you find happiness, balance and satisfaction.

It is very normal to lose yourself several times to find yourself or to rediscover who you are.

These are all valuable lessons. So you shouldn’t be afraid of change. Change can help to open new doors that contain a more complete version of yourself. More maturity, more rest.

Ship in the distance

When your current situation removes you from your identity

We all understand very well what our values ​​are and what our boundaries, principles, needs and goals are.

Sometimes, though, all these things start to wear away, just like the rocks on the beach formed by the waves of the sea.

  • After that it is almost impossible to recognize your original self, your essence. The same can happen to your confidence and your personality.
  • Your work, family and relationships can sometimes create certain forms of blackmail, pressure and direct or indirect manipulation in your life, until you eventually slowly drift away from your true identity.
  • Recognizing this inner discord between the person you once were and the person you are now is certainly one of the ways to open your eyes and understand that these kinds of situations can be very dangerous.

None of us can create anything we want at any time. We all have obligations to abide by, goals to achieve, and people to care for.

The secret, however, lies in finding the right balance and in consciously observing everything you do, what you like and what makes you feel good.


Getting lost to ‘disconnect’ yourself and reflect

There is one thing you should not forget. People who suffer from stress for a long time also end up suffering from high levels of anxiety.

They lose control of their lives and are at the mercy of the outside pressures that can cause them to experience the following phenomenon:

  • The brain generally cannot handle this high level of stress. The effects of cortisol and neurotransmitters such as adrenaline can cause sudden memory loss and even interruptions in certain moments in reality.
  • Your mind invites you, almost compellingly, to slow down your rhythm and disconnect yourself.

However, before your brain traumatically erases your memory or creates holes in your memory, you should try to develop a more normal, preventive and beneficial lifestyle.

How to disconnect yourself in a healthy way

Unplugging yourself does not mean that you immediately open your wallet and book a plane ticket to a faraway country. You don’t have to look for a place that is in the distance on the horizon.

It also doesn’t mean you have to distance yourself from all the people in your life. You don’t have to close doors that can’t open afterwards.

  • Getting lost trying to find yourself requires preparation. It is not a matter of running, but rather taking distance to heal yourself. It is normal to have a return ticket when you are ready.
  • People who want to get ‘lost’ need to be clear about what they are doing and what they need. ‘I want to be alone for a weekend, to relax, to think and to make choices’.
  • Everyone around you will understand this and if they don’t, that’s their problem. This means you need to prioritize yourself more.
  • You need a specific moment to spend with the ‘self’ that you have left.

You lose yourself in order to become stronger, to take the reins of your own life, so that you can become a stronger and more confident person.

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