Find Out More About Breast Cancer Treatment

Growths in the breasts are often not dangerous. Still, it’s a good idea to talk to your gynecologist. That way she can examine you and make the correct diagnosis.
Find out more about the treatment of growths in the breasts

Growths in the breasts are small pockets of fluid that form in the breast tissue. For many women, they can be distressing when they do a breast exam themselves and feel these swellings. But usually they are benign and often not serious.

They occur in one or both breasts. Usually they feel like a grape or like a ball filled with water. Size and shape may vary. They are very common in women between the ages of 30 and 60. But they can actually occur at any age. They can arise from various causes.

Today there are several ways to treat growths in the breasts.  In addition, these treatments fight the pain and inflammation. We take the opportunity to discuss the main causes and treatment options in this article.

What causes growths in the breasts?

Growths in the breasts are often caused by benign changes in the mammary glands. They are often the result of a blockage of the drainage lobes in the breasts. This causes a build-up of liquid.

The exact cause is unknown. However, these growths are associated with the following factors:

  • Sudden hormonal changes during or after menopause
  • Overweight or Obesity
  • Excessive alcohol consumption or smoking
  • A bad diet

The symptoms of growths in the breasts

Symptoms of growths in the breasts

The growths can form in one or both breasts. The symptoms vary by individual. They also depend on the stage at which they are diagnosed. They usually present with the following symptoms:

  • Round or oval nodules or balls that vary in shape and that you can feel.
  • Pain in one or more areas of the breasts.
  • Sensitivity in the area of ​​the nodule.
  • Clear or yellow discharge from the nipples.

The treatment of growths in the breasts

Some growths in the breasts are so small that you can only detect them with the help of a mammogram or an ultrasound of the breasts. These growths are not a big problem. Your doctor will probably want to check them anyway to make sure there are no complications. If the doctor notices that they are growing in size, he can suggest different approaches.

Draining with a needle

Treatment of growths in the breasts

Most growths in the breasts are not cancerous. Yet we must drain and remove them so that they do not cause discomfort or pain. If they are large enough to feel, the doctor can remove them by draining them with a needle under the skin.

  • This can be an unpleasant treatment. It is usually not very painful and only lasts a few minutes.
  • Once this is done, the growths are significantly smaller. They may even appear to have disappeared.
  • If the nodules return, the doctor may repeat the procedure.

Hormone therapy

The growths in the breasts can also be caused by certain disturbances in the hormonal balance. Then the doctor can suggest hormonal treatments or contraceptives. This will prevent the growths from returning.

In this case, they will evaluate possible side effects and the patient’s state of health. After all, this approach is not always the best choice. Usually, this treatment is only recommended for women with severe breast tumors.

A surgical procedure to remove the growths in the breasts

This procedure is only necessary in unusual situations or if the doctor has reasons for concern. Doctors consider this choice in the following cases:

  • The tumor causes daily discomfort.
  • After drainage, the tumor returns month after month.
  • The bag of fluid contains blood or looks alarming.
  • The tumor is cancerous.

Natural Remedies

Growths in the breasts

Certain natural remedies can help with the pain associated with breast growths. You can also make some changes in your diet. Because this can help to remove or prevent the growths.

Warm-cold compresses

Applying cold or warm compresses helps to ease the pain of tender breasts. They also have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. This can ensure that you experience pain relief within minutes.


The diuretic, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties of certain natural decoctions and teas can help reduce the size of the growths. Try these teas:

  • chamomile
  • Green tea
  • horsetail
  • Plantain

Diet pattern

A healthy and balanced diet that is high in vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids can help you if you have breast tumors. In addition, it is good for your general health. On the other hand, consuming too much salt, processed foods, foods high in fat and caffeine is not recommended.

Do you feel a strange lump in your breast? It is often nothing to be afraid of. But you should still consult your doctor. He can then determine the origin of the tumor and how serious it is.

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