Filter Your Gut And Remove Toxins

Our intestines are responsible for removing the excess waste from the body. However, sometimes they need extra help.
Filter your gut and remove toxins

Our intestines are an important part of the organs that filter our body. They have an important function, as they are responsible for breaking down the food we eat so that the blood can absorb the nutrients.

In the following article, you can learn how to filter your gut and get rid of the toxins through natural remedies and healthy habits.

Like the other organs responsible for filtering and filtering substances from the body, such as the liver and kidneys, your gut can be working overtime.

This is due to your lifestyle, exposure to pollution and poor eating habits. As a result, your gut will accumulate large amounts of toxins, which can affect your health over time.

Think of symptoms of  bad breath, heartburn, heaviness in the stomach or intestines, indigestion, diarrhea, flatulence. In some cases you even suffer from headaches and insomnia.

Five simple tips to clean your intestines at home

If you want to filter your intestines yourself at home, consult your doctor first. If he or she likes it, try these simple tips that can help you clean your organs in a healthy and effective way.

1. Drink more water

Colon cleansing can make you dehydrated, so it’s important that you drink more water throughout the day. That’s how you stay hydrated.

Drink the water at room temperature with a little lemon for a better effect.

2. Diet

When doing the colon cleanse, make sure you eat light foods with plenty of vegetables and fruit juices, along with other nutrients that are easy to digest.

Don’t eat heavy meals, because this makes your intestines work harder and that disrupts the cleansing process. We recommend eating plenty of broths and vegetable soups to restore your body’s electrolyte levels.

3. Vitamins and Supplements

Filtering your body can lead to a temporary lack of important nutrients and supplements.

If possible, you can compensate for this by consuming natural sources of vitamins and supplements. Increase the consumption of vitamin C, as it can help keep your immune system strong.

4. Eat more prebiotics

It is very important to eat prebiotic foods while cleansing your bowels. This process allows your body to remove good bacteria along with the bad ones.

By consuming prebiotics, you can offset this loss and replenish the good bacteria to promote gut health.

5. Detoxifying Bath

The last tip that can also aid the cleansing process of your gut is taking a bath in water enriched with medicinal plants, as it can help flush out toxins through your skin.

Ideally, you should boil the herbs in the water before sitting in it and wrap yourself in a towel or blanket afterwards to allow the steam to penetrate the skin.

Juice to filter your intestines

pineapple juice

This powerful juice is ideal for filtering your gut and stimulating your body to eliminate all those toxins it doesn’t need.

It is made from strawberries, pineapple and parsley.

It is said to be known for its cleansing properties, which could  help you fight constipation, reduce intestinal inflammation, flatulence and generally filter the intestinal tract.


  • Half a cup of strawberries
  • Two pieces of pineapple, cut small
  • One bunch of parsley, finely chopped
  • 250 ml tap or mineral water


  • Put all ingredients in a blender
  • Mix them well and serve the juice.
  • The best time to drink this juice is in the morning with breakfast or before a meal. 

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