Fight Cellulite With Honey And Apple Cider Vinegar

To get rid of cellulite effectively, there are topical treatments for the skin. You combine those external treatments with physical exercises and remedies to detoxify the body from within. In this article you will learn a very effective remedy.

Cellulite is caused by the build-up of fatty deposits under the surface of the skin. It almost always occurs in the zones of the hip and glutes.

The most characteristic of cellulite is the appearance of dimples on the skin’s surface. The skin is starting to look a bit like orange peel.

Is it a serious problem?

We cannot say that cellulite is a serious health problem. Still, it can be a sign of fluid buildup. In addition, it can be an indication that there are problems in the circulatory system or in the lymphatic system.

Fortunately, there are many products and techniques that help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. They ensure that the skin becomes healthy and smoother again.

In this article, we take the opportunity to present you a natural recipe with apple cider vinegar and honey.

Fight cellulite with apple cider vinegar and honey

This remedy helps to fight cellulite. Be sure to try it out!

Apple cider vinegar combined with honey has been an alternative treatment for years to reduce the presence of cellulite.

Both ingredients contain antioxidants and organic acids. These elements help to detoxify your body and therefore also to keep your lymphatic system functioning properly.

The fiber and important vitamins in apple cider vinegar and honey stimulate the proper digestion of fats in the intestines. Here lies the secret of this combination to reduce fat accumulation.

How does it work?

They also prevent lipids from being retained in your blood and help lower cholesterol. In addition, they have a preventive effect and prevent other disorders that can affect your quality of life.

Both apple cider vinegar and honey have natural components, which will improve the functioning of the metabolism. As a result of a faster working metabolism, the burning of calories will accelerate and you will lose weight.

  • Use this apple cider vinegar and honey drink in moderation and it will help get rid of toxins that build up in the bloodstream. This allows the blood to flow freely again.
  • In addition, it keeps any excessive inflammation of the body tissues in check.
  • At the same time, it will also reduce retained moisture. Fluid retention is also related to cellulite.

We think it’s valuable to mention that this recipe is naturally alkaline. This means that once it enters your body, it helps to regulate the acidity of the blood. This in turn will help to prevent diseases.

How are you?

With this natural recipe you don’t just fight cellulite from within. It also has a number of other effects. Here we give you a few examples:

  • Stimulate the detoxification of your body.
  • Strengthen your immune system.
  • Preventing chronic health issues.
  • Improve the health of your skin.

But it is still important to emphasize that this is not a miracle treatment for cellulite. Finally, the results will depend on other aspects of your lifestyle, such as your dietary habits, physical activities and external treatments.

Lifestyle change

This basically means that you will have to change your lifestyle completely if you want to achieve optimal results.

You should focus on efforts to combat the fat build-up associated with cellulite.

We would also like to emphasize here that it is important that the apple cider vinegar and honey are one hundred percent organic. You will certainly find cheaper products, but organic ingredients are the only way to fully enjoy the properties of apple cider vinegar and honey.

Now let’s see how to prepare the remedy.

What ingredients and quantities do you need?

  • 2 tablespoons organic apple cider vinegar (20 ml)
  • 1 cup warm water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon natural honey (25 gr)

How do you prepare it?

  • Mix the two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in the cup of warm water. Make it a little sweeter with one tablespoon of honey.
  • Once it is very well mixed, it is ready to drink.


There are no health risks if you only use small amounts of apple cider vinegar, but we still recommend that you never exceed the prescribed dose in this recipe.  When the body absorbs too much of this acid, it can lead to indigestion and diarrhea. It can also cause an excessive production of stomach acid.

If you have a stomachache or inflammation after taking this drink, you should stop the treatment.

Pay attention!

It is not a good idea to take apple cider vinegar undiluted. After all, it can damage your tooth enamel. Another negative consequence is that it can affect the mucous membrane that lines the stomach wall.

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