Exercises To Train Your Facial Muscles

To reduce wrinkles, you can use creams and masks, but did you know that by doing exercises you can also achieve this goal?
Exercises to train your facial muscles

In the same way that we should keep our body toned and healthy, we should also take care of our face. That is why today we are sharing these exercises to train your  facial muscles so that you can learn how to slow down the signs of aging and most importantly prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Since our face is one of the first places to show the damage caused by time, it is essential to take good care of it. You can do this by following a healthy diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and water.

You should also try to have healthy lifestyle habits, for example by exercising regularly, sleeping well, avoiding alcohol consumption and avoiding situations that cause stress.

There are many anti-wrinkle treatments available today, which are undoubtedly very effective, but also expensive. For this reason, in this article we recommend some exercises for your facial muscles, which are just as effective in fighting wrinkles on your face and also cost you nothing.

You just need to set aside a few minutes a day to do them. It’s very, very easy!

Exercises for your facial muscles

Reduce wrinkles

Exercises to train your facial muscles against wrinkle formation

Stand in front of the mirror after taking a shower and try to move all your facial muscles for at least ten minutes. If possible, you can also do this before going to bed.

Train and strengthen your eyelids

Look up as far as possible and then right and left. Do four sets of twenty reps for each direction. Rest for two minutes between each set.

Keep your cheeks and cheekbones tight

A very easy exercise is to keep your mouth closed and blow to fill your mouth with air. Also move your tongue from right to left. Do three sets of fifteen or twenty reps.

Keep your lips healthy and beautiful

Open your mouth as wide as possible and cover your teeth with your lips. Hold this position for ten seconds and then slowly close your mouth. Relax your muscles before starting again. Do five reps.

Correct crow’s feet

Exercises to train your facial muscles against crow's feet

Squeeze and press the wrinkles in this area with your fingers. Make an upward and downward movement.


Facial massages have the same effect, as they affect the tissue, helping to correct the damage of the skin. You can do these massages on the places where the wrinkles occur more often.

You can do the facial massages for ten minutes in the morning and in the afternoon. If you have almond oil, apply a few drops as it helps to reduce wrinkles and also hydrates and moisturizes your skin.

Before doing these exercises, it is very important to apply a cream all over your face to stimulate and prepare your skin. Your exercises will be a lot more effective this way.

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