Eliminate Dark Spots With Natural Ingredients

Do you know which natural ingredients are the best to eliminate dark spots on your skin? Keep reading to find out.
Eliminate dark spots with natural ingredients

Dark spots on the face are one of the things people worry most about their personal beauty. Fortunately, you can eliminate these dark spots with natural ingredients.

They can be caused by several factors, such as:

  • sun exposure
  • genetics
  • aging
  • hormonal disorders caused by the side effects of drugs or other products

However, in this article, we share fourteen easy recipes for natural masks that can help reduce or completely eliminate facial blemishes.

Tips To Eliminate Dark Spots On The Face

To make sure these masks are as effective as possible, keep the following tips in mind. Also don’t forget to prepare the supplies and ingredients in advance. Try to have everything to hand and use a timer if necessary.

  • Exfoliate your skin before using these face masks.
  • Put your hair in a ponytail to keep it from getting in your face.
  • Use sunscreen daily.
  • Take the necessary precautions if you are allergic to something.

Eliminate dark spots with these natural ingredients

The most recommended natural ingredients to make your own face masks are plants. However, some dairy products such as milk and certain grains are also very popular.

1. Aloe Vera

Spoon of aloe vera

Aloe vera is arguably the best plant to care for your skin. It is therefore often used for cleansing products for the face or other parts of the body. It acts as a fungicide and moisturizer and regenerates the skin naturally. It also ensures that your skin becomes soft and elastic again.

You can apply an aloe vera mask in the evening to firm your skin overnight. Always do this after cleaning your face first. Leave the gel on while you sleep. Don’t forget to wash your face thoroughly the next morning.

2. Milk

Milk is a natural product that contains lactic acid. This makes it very good to make dark spots less visible. You can apply milk directly to your face to take advantage of this benefit.

  • First heat the milk in a pan.
  • Once it is warm, you can gently apply it to your face with a cotton ball.
  • Wait at least thirty minutes before rinsing it off again.

3. Vinegar

Eliminate dark spots with vinegar

Vinegar is one of the most commonly used natural remedies to eliminate dark spots on the face. It is very simple to use. Simply dilute one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in two liters of water. Then dab this mixture on your face with a cotton ball.

Use this remedy every night for at least a few weeks and you will definitely see a difference.

4. Great Plantain

You can also eliminate dark spots by using the great plantain leaves. You do this by making a tea.

  • To start, bring a liter of water to a boil.
  • Once the water is boiling, pour it into a cup and add two tablespoons of leaves.
  • Then let the leaves steep for twenty minutes.
  • Remove the leaves with a sieve and apply the tea to your face with a cotton ball.

5. Lemon

Lemon and lemon juice

Lemon juice brightens the skin and makes it glow. Massage it gently into the areas of your skin you want to treat. If you apply it at night, let it sit all night. If you apply it during the day, let it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

6. Onion

Onions are excellent for removing impurities. Cut an onion in half and rub it over the dark spots on your face. Then let the juice sit for another thirty minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. The more often you use it, the better it works. You can also use onion juice as a tonic.

7. Tomato

Girl with tomato on her face

Yes, tomato is one of those natural remedies that can help you eliminate dark spots. Simply cut a slice of tomato and rub it over your face for about fifteen minutes. For faster results, you can also make a mixture of tomato, crushed sandalwood and lemon.

8. Elderberries

Elderberry is another great option for eliminating facial blemishes.

Bring 500 ml of water to the boil and add three tablespoons of elderberries.

  • Let it sit together for ten minutes.
  • Once the water has cooled, you can apply it to the dark spots.
  • You can also use this mask twice a day.

This remedy is especially effective against dark spots caused by sun exposure.

9. Radishes

A bunch of radishes

Radishes are great for eliminating impurities. This plant has properties that can help lighten the skin. To make use of this, grate a few radishes, using the finest grater, then mix them with lemon juice.

Apply this mixture to your face with a cotton ball and let it do its work for 15 to 20 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water. You can apply this mask both during the day and in the evening. If you opt for the evening, you can also leave it on all night.

10. Banana

Bananas also have properties that can lighten the skin. You can therefore also use this fruit if you want to eliminate dark spots.

  • Make a face mask by mashing a banana and then mixing it with the juice of one lemon.
  • Let the mask do its work for twenty minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • You can use this mask four times a week.

11. Barley

Eliminate Dark Spots With Barley

To make a tonic that removes impurities, make a barley tea by adding 100 grams of barley to one liter of boiled water. Then apply this tea on your face and let it sit for thirty minutes.

Also use the barley grains to massage your face. Do this by placing the barley grains in a washcloth and rubbing it over your face. You can use this remedy twice a day.

12. Wheat Germ

Wheat germ oil can effectively help to eliminate impurities in the face. Apply it before going to bed by gently massaging it into the skin until the skin has completely absorbed it.

13. Papaya

Eliminate Dark Spots With Papaya

Do you like papaya? Then make sure to save the skin the next time you eat one. You can rub the inner part of the peel over your face to reduce impurities. In addition, it regenerates the skin and prevents wrinkles.

14. Parsley

Finally, you can also eliminate dark spots by using parsley. This herb has lightening properties and is perfect for removing all types of impurities.

Simply grind a sprig of parsley and then apply it directly to the areas of your face you want to treat with a gauze pad.

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