Drink Water And Baking Soda Daily

Mix baking soda with water and you have a remedy that has been used for centuries. Want to know more about this remedy? Then read on!
Drink water and baking soda daily

To prevent your body from becoming too alkaline – as this can be counterproductive – it is best to drink a glass of water and baking soda after every evening meal . Just mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with water, easy.

Baking soda is quite common in millions of households around the world. It can not only be used in the kitchen, but also facilitates certain cleaning jobs. It also improves health.

Most people today prefer conventional products. However, some people still use this handy white powder for many aspects of their lives.

Water and baking soda

You are supposed to consume baking soda in moderate amounts. The habit of regularly consuming baking soda has been shown to support several general bodily functions. It could  regulate the pH value of blood. This can lower the acid level in the body.

A little baking soda dissolved in some water is one of the oldest and most widely used remedies worldwide. It is a very effective way to protect the body from various diseases.

It is a natural antacid

Water and baking soda is a natural anticidal agent

Its natural ability to counteract acids is one of the reasons why water and baking soda are so commonly used.

Consuming baking soda can neutralize stomach acid and help prevent the sensation of heartburn. When you dissolve baking soda in a glass of water, it can soothe inflammation and intestinal gas. This calms indigestion more quickly.

Natural alkalizing ability

Most diets cause the body to become acidic, making it more prone to developing various diseases. Baking soda has become a natural medicine to help neutralize acidity in the body and create an alkaline effect.

It balances the body pH and improves health. Acid in the body can be linked to an increased risk of osteoporosis, arthritis and even cancer.

Since this ingredient is also very cheap, it could be one of the best natural remedies to prevent these conditions from developing in the first place.

Therefore, drink a minimum amount of water and baking soda every day. However, be careful not to drink too much. This can actually be harmful to the body, because the body then becomes too alkaline.

It is an antiseptic

Water and baking soda is an antiseptic

A very special property that baking soda has is that it has a mild antiseptic effect. This allows  it to be used to eliminate viruses and bacteria that cause disease.

For example, use water and baking soda to treat a sore throat and strep throat by gargling.

Relieves Urinary Tract Infections

A mixture of water and baking soda, thanks to its ability to lower acidity in urine, can protect the body from urinary tract infections. You can also drink it with cranberry juice to help prevent recurring urinary tract infections.

Treats gout and other joint problems

Water and baking soda good for gout

High levels of uric acid in the urine and blood throughout the body can cause pain and chronic conditions such as gout and arthritis.

Water mixed with baking soda can normalize the pH level of the blood and reduce uric acid,  which makes it useful as a remedy for these kinds of conditions.

Improves physical performance

The lactic acid released during physical activity can build up in the muscles and joints. This can cause stiffness and muscle fatigue.

A good option to prevent this from affecting your physical performance is drinking a mixture of water and baking soda. This mixture can help to control lactic acid. 

Controls cholesterol

Drinking mineral water mixed with baking soda can help lower high cholesterol, especially LDL, also known as bad cholesterol.

However, due to the high sodium content, this is not recommended for people who suffer from high blood pressure. This could make their condition worse.

How do you make a mixture of water and baking soda?

How to make mixture of water and baking soda

As we mentioned before, excessive consumption of baking soda can actually have negative consequences for health. In order to be able to include the drug in your diet without risky consequences, it is important to remember the following advice:

General dosage

  • ½ teaspoon baking soda (3 grams)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

Mix the ingredients together and drink the mixture after every evening meal.

To soothe colds and flu

This remedy is perfect for counteracting the microorganisms that cause colds, flu and allergies.

Use this remedy in these situations in the following way:

  • Day 1: Drink a glass of water mixed with half a tablespoon of baking soda every three hours. Drink this five times a day.
  • Day 2: Drink three glasses of water mixed with half a tablespoon of baking soda throughout the day.
  • Day 3: After lunch and dinner, drink a glass of water mixed with half a tablespoon of baking soda.

While the taste may not be great, drinking a mixture of water and baking soda every day is a great choice for your health.

So start including it in your diet and experience for yourself in a short time all the benefits it can offer.

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