Discover The Amazing Properties Of Horsetail

One of the most outstanding properties of horsetail is its ability to fight fluid retention. In addition, it contains a lot of selenium, which is very healthy for skin, hair and nails.
Discover the amazing properties of ponytail

Horsetail is a medicinal plant that offers many health benefits. You can take it to treat ailments or in the form of a supplement to provide your body with large amounts of minerals. Learn more about the amazing properties of horsetail in this article.


Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) gets its name from its characteristic appearance. You will find this plant especially near places with water. That’s because it needs a lot of moisture.

Horsetail is found in various parts of Europe. It is therefore easy to find and collect.

Take advantage of the amazing properties of ponytail

The stem of this plant is often used as a potent remedy. It is suitable to treat multiple disorders. It is distinguished by its content of vitamin C, selenium, potassium, magnesium, flavonoids and tannins, among other nutrients.

However, horsetail is mainly used as a diuretic.

Other remedies or drugs with the same purpose often come with the risk of driving too many minerals out of the body. Horsetail, however, balances this loss by providing the body with many minerals at the same time.

The medicinal properties of horsetail

Health Remedies

Horsetail Health Remedies

In general, the following medicinal properties of horsetail stand out in particular:

  • Its diuretic properties make it a quick and effective remedy. It can  reduce swelling and fight fluid retention. This is due to the potassium and flavonoid content of this plant. These substances help to reduce and calm inflammation.
  • It is a great antioxidant thanks to the flavonoids it contains. Therefore, it helps against the cellular aging caused by free radicals, both externally and internally.
  • The ability to provide the body with minerals is very beneficial against fatigue. It can also help you recover from this. However, it is also an excellent option for athletes.
  • Horsetail is also great for healing wounds. It improves and even speeds up recovery from fractures and sprains.
  • In addition, it reduces uric acid and prevents gout attacks.
  • It also prevents diseases of the urinary tract, such as cystitis or kidney stones.

In addition, this plant also has properties that are a little less known, including:

  • Antiseptic properties.
  • The ability to counteract diarrhea in case of indigestion, gastroenteritis or other viruses.
  • Horsetail is able to prevent anemia.
  • It is beneficial in treating various oral problems such as gingivitis or canker sores.
  • In addition, it is able to prevent both internal and external bleeding. This is especially useful to know if you regularly suffer from heavy periods.
  • Horsetail helps to strengthen your immune system and improve your defenses. This property is due to its flavonoid content.
  • It fights skin fungi.

Remedies for the Outward Beauty

Using the properties of ponytail for your beauty

Horsetail is a very well-known remedy for external beauty, whether you use it externally or internally. There are even beauty products that contain horsetail extract. This is due to the beneficial properties of horsetail:

  • Skin:  A horsetail infusion or extract can be used as a facial skin tonic. It will help to strengthen the skin and prevent wrinkles. It makes the skin more elastic. In addition, it prevents the development of stretch marks.
  • Hair:  Applying ponytail infusion to your hair is very useful to treat various hair problems. Think of problems such as premature graying, split ends, hair loss or dandruff. Consuming ponytail also makes your hair stronger.
  • Nails:  If you suffer from weak nails and they break easily, horsetail can help strengthen them.

What is the best way to take horsetail?

Strangely enough, the stems of this plant used to be eaten as if they were asparagus. Today, in Asian countries such as Japan, horsetail shoots are consumed in the spring.

However, for medicinal purposes , horsetail is usually used in the following ways:

  • In the form of an infusion
  • As a supplement: extract, capsules or tablets
  • Like a compress
  • In body baths

It is not recommended to use it for a long time. It is better to use it for a  maximum of three to four weeks, with breaks in between.

You can also consume it temporarily to combat an acute condition such as swelling or fatigue. In addition, it is better not to use it during pregnancy or in case of gastritis.

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