Discover 9 Natural Muscle Relaxants

Discover 9 natural muscle relaxants

Everyday life, full of obligations, stress and work, causes many health problems. When it comes to muscles, the most stressed muscles are the muscles in your neck, shoulders and back, because you often spend a lot of time in front of the computer. We have collected a number of  natural muscle relaxants here, so that you do not have to use chemical medicines.

severe pain

This is the result of living in today’s city. You can make a long list of problems caused by spending nine hours or more in an office without contact with the sun, not eating right, bad posture, the stress of all your obligations, bills, etc. Due to stress sleep make you worse, which can cause cramps and muscle aches.

Neck or back pain that makes it hard to move your head is one of the most common problems today. The “deep” feeling is in your back, lower back, hips and it hurts all over your body. You can get a massage, apply a hot compress or sit in a more comfortable chair, but it will still take a while for your muscles to behave “normally” again because they have been treated so badly.

For that reason, you can add the use of natural herbs and muscle relaxants to your lifestyle so that you can leave muscle soreness behind.


They are generally taken as an infusion, so they not only improve the condition of your muscles, but also calm your mind, stomach and organs. That way you can relax better, leave the pain behind and you become more efficient.

Natural remedies to help your muscles relax

Fortunately, there are a large number of natural remedies to remedy the muscle pain that is bothering you. Best of all, they have few side effects, making them safer than drugs, although they do take a little longer to work.

However, if you want to get rid of your pain in a good way, then you should apply these medicinal herbs in everyday life.

Keep in mind that a healthy and balanced diet is also important, so that the muscles are less contracted. The daily recommended amount is 1500 mg calcium, 1500 mg magnesium, 99 mg potassium and 3000 mg vitamin C.


Using plants as natural muscle relaxants

  • Valerian Root:  It has been used for hundreds of years to relieve tension in the neck. It also has a strong calming effect on stress and sleeping problems. You can make a valerian infusion or tea, or get natural pills from a health food store, as the scent of this plant is very strong and may not be to everyone’s taste.

  • Chamomile:  This plant has a great calming effect, one of the most well-known and recommended effects. It is used to treat muscle pain, but also works for menstrual pain, tension, headache, restlessness, stress, nervousness etc. It relaxes your tense muscles and has an anti-inflammatory property that reduces cramps.
  • Catnip:  Native to Europe, this plant is used as a natural sedative and also a muscle relaxant. It helps reduce joint swelling, relieves tension headaches and repairs soft tissue injuries. This is only a small part of its helpful features.
  • Passionflower:  This is a beautiful flower, which becomes even more wonderful when you learn its properties, especially since the leaves contain plant sterols and flavonoids, both of which act as antioxidants. It also contains alkaloids, essential oils and other ingredients for a relaxing and soothing effect. It helps with insomnia, muscle cramps, stress, restlessness, nervousness, etc. You can drink it as an infusion.
  • Lavender:  A very beautiful flower with a bluish purple color, which has many properties for fighting and alleviating various diseases or ailments. For example, lavender oil is known to be one of the most effective muscle relaxants. You can massage the oil into the painful area with a circular motion to stimulate blood circulation. Then take a hot shower to relax your body and mind, allowing your muscles to relax and heal.

Using herbs as natural muscle relaxants

  • Rosemary:  This is an herb commonly used in cooking to give flavor and aroma to a number of dishes. It is also good for health, especially when it comes to relaxation. You can take a bath and dissolve a little rosemary in it. That way you can relieve menstrual cramps or muscle cramps. You can also massage rosemary oil on the aching joints. Hot compresses on the painful or inflamed areas reduce arthritis symptoms.
  • Cayenne Pepper: Widely used in home recipes, it has been proven to effectively and quickly relieve and repair pain resulting from muscle cramps.
cayenne pepper

  • Radish:  The spice of this herb has been used for centuries to relieve tension in the muscles. It also relieves cramps and pain. You can make or buy an oil from radish extract. Mix this with hot bath water or apply it during a massage.
  • Wild thyme:  This plant is related to common thyme. It is very suitable for relaxing muscles in a natural way. That’s because of the essential oils. You can use as many of them as you want.
Photos courtesy of Unique Hotels, ce Delohery, Dennis Wong, Pato Novoa, John Athayde and Alvaro Galve

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