Delicious Juices That Cleanse Your Kidneys And Improve Circulation

Thanks to its diuretic properties, the combination of lemon and watermelon can help remove toxins from the body. This keeps your body hydrated and supports good circulation.
Delicious juices that cleanse your kidneys and promote blood circulation

Having a healthy lifestyle that promotes healthy kidney function and good circulation should be one of your top priorities. Juices that cleanse your kidneys could help with this.

For example, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle or tobacco use and adhering to a healthy and balanced diet that is free of processed sugars, salt and saturated fat can help you on your way. In addition, don’t forget to visit your doctor regularly for a general check-up!

As you already know, nature offers all kinds of products that support the balance in your body and therefore help to ensure that your kidneys continue to function properly and your blood circulation is stimulated.

Fruits and vegetables are full of good nutrients and eating fruits and vegetables on a regular basis can drastically improve your health.

So, in this article, we invite you to discover some of the tastiest and most nutrient-rich natural drinks that cleanse your kidneys, so you can enjoy them to improve your health.

Are you ready to write this information down?

Juices to cleanse your kidneys and improve your circulation

Juice of carrot, lemon and cucumber

To promote circulation, clear your body of toxins and improve kidney health, it’s important to eat foods that are rich in antioxidants and have a diuretic effect.

By drinking a juice of cucumber, carrot and lemon , for example, you bring your physical pH value back into balance and harmful toxins that cause diseases and disorders are eliminated from your body. This juice can also help regulate blood pressure.

Also, remember that your kidneys aren’t just tasked with purifying your bloodstream and removing toxins; these important organs also filter excess sodium from your body and secrete the following three hormones:

  • Erythropoietin, a hormone that supports the production of red blood cells.
  • Renin, a hormone that regulates blood pressure.
  • Calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D that allows the body to absorb calcium to support bone health.

It’s easy to tell yourself that your kidneys are functioning properly and that you are perfectly healthy. However, remember that an unhealthy diet and constant exposure to environmental pollutants and toxins can overwhelm the body. This can compromise kidney function.

This juice:

  • can help protect your immune system
  • provides a lot of antioxidants
  • promotes good blood circulation

Pay attention to which ingredients you need.

Carrot juice with lemon and cucumber to cleanse your kidneys


  • 2 carrots
  • 1 cucumber
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)


If you already suffer from kidney problems, it is especially important that you do not forget to drink enough water and that you make sure that you drink the right kind.

What do we mean by this? The best water to drink to take good care of the kidneys is water that is low in minerals. Therefore, avoid water that contains a lot of calcium or magnesium.

  • To make this juice all you need to do is wash the carrots, then peel the cucumber and squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  • Then you put everything in the blender, along with the cup of water.
  • Blend the ingredients until you have a fresh, homogeneous juice.
  • It is best to drink this juice in the morning.

Lemon and watermelon juice

This watery lemon and watermelon juice is great for an afternoon drink with a few ice cubes in it. This juice is refreshing, rich in antioxidants and has a powerful diuretic effect. It is therefore ideal for cleaning your kidneys.

  • Watermelon contains more water than almost any other fruit. The fruit is low in calories and its lycopene content can help strengthen the connections between your nerve cells.
  • The combination of watermelon and lemon is very moisturizing and also helps improve circulation.
  • Thanks to its diuretic properties, it also promotes the elimination of toxins.


  • 1 cup watermelon (220 g)
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)


  • This juice is so easy to make. It only takes a few seconds. Simply put the sliced ​​watermelon, lemon juice and water together in the blender.
  • Then mix the ingredients until a smooth mixture is formed. And voilà, you have a delicious, refreshing drink for a hot summer day. It will help you to cleanse your kidneys.
  • If you find the taste a bit on the bitter side, you can add a little honey to sweeten the juice.

celery and radish juice

Radish juice with celery to cleanse your kidneys

Radishes are known for their ability to effectively fight urinary tract infections. In addition, radishes can help to purify the bloodstream. This vegetable contains very few calories.

Don’t worry about the spicy taste. This unique property is due to its content of glucosinolates, compounds rich in antioxidants that stimulate the elimination of toxins from the body and counteract the negative effects of free radicals.

So don’t hesitate to try this amazing combination of radish and celery to cleanse your kidneys.

Thanks to the many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that strengthen the immune system, this combination is a great way to promote the health of your kidneys.


  • 1 stalk celery
  • 2 radishes
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)


  • The first thing to do is wash the vegetables thoroughly.
  • Then you cut them into smaller pieces, so that they can be processed more easily in the blender.
  • Then put all the ingredients together in the blender and process until you have a smooth juice.
  • Try to drink this juice in the morning at least three times a week.

You will be amazed at the results! Are you ready to try them to help cleanse your kidneys?

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