Deeds Not Words

Words can say many things, but what really shows are actions. Let what you do speak for you, and for other people too.
Actions rather than words

When someone cares about you or really appreciates you, they show it through actions, by being there when you need them, an unexpected message, or some other action that surprises you.

Yet people continue to spend their time and attention on others who are not worthy of it. Isn’t it time to take off that blindfold that keeps you from seeing what’s really happening?

Stop talking and show how you feel

Stop talking

Words can blow away in the wind, at least we know that in theory. In practice, however, we ignore it without thinking about it.

Saying “I love you”, “I need you” or “I like you” is something that is relatively easy to do. But where are the deeds that accompany these words?

Sometimes it’s enough to take a simple test to find out if you really matter to someone. Cover your ears and pay close attention.

Look at everything that has happened so far, everything that is shown as in a silent movie while you watch. What do you see?

Chances are, what you see will surprise you and it will also show the truth about a situation where you would otherwise be blind.

This is because you have given great value to words that have never been translated into action, causing you to suffer without cause.

You believe all the excuses people tell when they don’t show their love through actions. You justify the absence of actions because you want to be nice to them.

However, this can undermine your self-esteem, which is harmful – and then who will help you? You just have to look in the mirror.

There is only one person who has always been there and told the truth through all the lies.

The intentional blindness

Deliberate blindness

It’s probably not the first time you realize how blind a situation has made you. Again and again you go back to the same point of view, so you see what you want to see.

While you’re looking for a different situation, you fall back on that same situation that hurts you, but that’s because you let it!

You should have learned to have your eyes open from the start to see if someone is on your side or not, and if what they say is what they do.

Let’s look at a simple example, although the situation is far from easy. Imagine two people fall in love, but one of them is already married.

There is no easy solution for this. The married person gives the other hope that they will get a divorce so that the two lovers can be together.

What happens then? Months pass, or even a year, and yet the situation remains the same.

The person who is not married continues to believe in the words of the other, even though their actions give no reason to do so.

While it’s painful, it’s important to do what we said before. Cover your ears, open your eyes and finally see clearly what is actually happening.

It is not about looking for a guilty person, but about escaping a situation made up of false hopes that prevent you from enjoying your life in freedom.

Show me you care with actions

deeds and love

Show me by deeds how much you appreciate me, how much you care about me, how much you love me. But don’t mislead me anymore with empty words that don’t show what you’re saying.

Stop believing blindly and letting yourself be led by hope for another reality, which will never be the truth.

Don’t fall into the same trap as always. Open your eyes once and for all, from the beginning, and don’t choose the easy alternative of that treasure chest, filled with hopes and dreams that will never take shape.

Let this be a learning experience for everyone. Show other people that your forgiveness is genuine and always be consistent in what you say and do.

Words exist in an empty vacuum. What really matters is your actions. 

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