Control Head Lice Naturally With Vinegar

Despite its strong smell, vinegar is the perfect ingredient for fighting lice and nits. You can also boost its power with other ingredients.
Fight head lice naturally with vinegar

Head lice are a common problem in children. One child has them and then suddenly every other child has them too, it’s inevitable. That’s why it’s important to take some preventive measures and use some natural, homemade tools that fight head lice.

In this article, we’ll share some vinegar-based remedies to get rid of head lice naturally without using chemicals. We combine them with other powerful ingredients such as:

  • rosemary
  • essential tea tree oil
  • garlic
  • eucalyptus
  • coconut oil

I have head lice!

Head lice are a common problem in schools because they spread so easily among children through physical contact and through the coats on the coat rack. These tiny parasites invade the scalp and feed on blood, causing a lot of itching.

So if you know that there is a child with head lice at your child’s school, you should take some preventative steps. These measures will hopefully help control head lice.

There are many different products and shampoos to combat head lice. However, the majority contain chemical ingredients and are not always as effective as you would hope.

On the other hand, there are many natural products that can help to get rid of them. Without having negative side effects for your scalp or your health.

Vinegar-based remedies to fight head lice


The basis for all these remedies is vinegar, a product that can be used for:

  • many health problems
  • beauty applications
  • cleaning products

However, the beauty of vinegar is that, unlike many chemical products, it prevents the eggs from sticking to the hairs.

Furthermore, vinegar is a great disinfectant and can regulate pH. Many people already use it as a homemade conditioner because it keeps your hair shiny and soft.

To combat head lice, you can use apple cider vinegar or other vinegar varieties. It is best if you choose a natural, unpasteurized vinegar.

One last note that is very important to mention is that all remedies require the vinegar to be diluted with water!

1. Vinegar with rosemary

The first remedy and also the most traditional homemade remedy is vinegar with rosemary. Rosemary is a medicinal plant that has antiseptic properties.

You can easily make this remedy yourself by macerating some rosemary. This way you have it to hand when you need it. It also keeps well if you keep it for a longer period of time.


  • 2 glasses of vinegar (400 ml)
  • 2 to 4 sprigs of fresh rosemary

How are you?

  • Place both ingredients in a glass jar.
  • Close it tightly and let the ingredients macerate for a month.
  • You can use it after a month, but you can also leave it longer to keep strengthening.

2. Vinegar with tea tree oil

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a great natural product that you should always have in your closet. This powerful essential oil can help fight all types of pathogens:

  • viruses
  • bacteria
  • fungi

As a result, tea tree oil is the perfect ingredient to add to a shampoo as a preventative measure, or even use it as an instant remedy by mixing it with vinegar. However, we must warn you that the scent is quite specific and very strong.


  • 1 glass of vinegar (200 ml)
  • 10 drops of tea tree essential oil

How are you?

  • Mix both ingredients in a spray bottle.
  • Shake well just before use.

3. Garlic and Eucalyptus Vinegar

Eucalyptus oil

A homemade remedy made with garlic, a powerful natural antibiotic, is always effective. Garlic is an excellent remedy for controlling head lice because of its strong odor and properties. It is also an ingredient that is almost always on hand.

In this case, you can add some eucalyptus essential oil to reduce the smell a bit and enhance the effects even more.


  • 1 glass of vinegar (200 ml)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

How are you?

  • Mix the vinegar with the garlic with a stick blender.
  • Strain the resulting mixture and pour it into a spray bottle. Add the eucalyptus oil.
  • Shake well before use.

4. Vinegar with coconut oil

coconut oil

Finally, for this homemade remedy, you can mix vinegar with coconut oil. Increasingly popular for its properties, this vegetable oil can help remove pathogens from the skin and scalp. It is also great for moisturizing the scalp.


  • 1 glass of vinegar (200 ml)
  • ½ glass of extra virgin coconut oil (100 ml)

How are you?

It should be noted that coconut oil will solidify if the temperature drops below 23 degrees Celsius. If necessary, you must first heat the oil briefly so that it is liquid.

  • Pour both ingredients into a jar and mix them well.
  • Shake the mixture before use. 

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