Control Fleas With Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is one of the safest ways to get rid of fleas and ticks. Despite being deadly to parasites, it is not harmful to humans and pets. 
Fighting fleas with diatomaceous earth

Everyone who has pets has had to deal with fleas at one point or another.

These hated critters are external parasites that live on warm-blooded animals. You often find them on cats and dogs. It can be very difficult to get out of here.

When you have a flea epidemic and they attack your pets, it is your job to fight these parasites.

There are countless products  that are very effective. But they also contain a high level of chemicals. These can be harmful to you and your pets.

  • An alternative but effective treatment is diatomaceous earth.
  • This is a type of stone that consists of the remains of fossils with a very hard shell.
  • It is safe for people and animals. But thanks to its sharp edges, it is deadly to insects and parasites. They become hydrated and dry out after contact with diatomaceous earth.

The spread of fleas

Scratching dog with fleas

When a female flea finds its way into your pet’s fur, it’s her job to lay her eggs in it.

This is not the only problem. The eggs fall out of the fur easily. They end up in the couch, furniture or other places where your pet is lying. 

Wherever your pet goes, it is likely that eggs will remain there too.

As a result, we are faced with hidden larvae. They are in the cushions, chairs and even in the seams of the floor.

You have to constantly fight them to get rid of them.  This is because they can re-infect both your pet and your home.

If you still have not found the solution to get rid of fleas, you should read today’s article. We will give you the amazing uses of diatomaceous earth.

Treat with diatomaceous earth

Fighting parasites with diatomaceous earth

This treatment should be concentrated on the areas where your pet spends a lot of time. This means their basket, the pillow or the bed they sleep on, but also the grass in the garden.

Diatomaceous earth can be found in hardware stores, nurseries and garden centers.

It is very important that you do not buy the kind intended for swimming pools. It must be food grade diatomaceous earth.

There are a few steps you need to take:

  • Using gloves and a protective mask, take a small amount of the soil and  sprinkle it on your pet’s fur. Massage it well into the coat.
  • Then comb or brush your pet so that you spread it well over its entire coat.

Note: Make sure that the soil does not end up in your pet’s ears. 

  • Spread the diatomaceous earth over your pet’s sleeping area. It is important that your pet is not at home at this time. He or she is not allowed back in the house until all the dust has settled.
  • The dust should reach the nooks and crannies of the walls and floors. For the pillows and blankets it is important that they are left alone for a few hours. Only then remove the dust.

You can remove the dust by knocking out the pillows or blankets. The best option, however, is to do this with a vacuum cleaner. That way you can ensure that the dust is kept away from your pet.

Don’t forget spots!

Dog on carpet
  • You can make a barrier with diatomaceous earth in places where you know that fleas and ticks are coming in.
  • Rub it well into the cracks outside and especially in the garden. The grass and plants are generally also infested with fleas. That is why it is important to spread this soil well outside.
  • If you have trees in the garden, it is also important to sprinkle this on the trunk. Also, spread it on bushes, fences, and other areas your pet will come into contact with.
  • If your pet has been in the car, it is also wise  to sprinkle the diatomaceous earth there on the seats, floor and cushions. This will kill any fleas and ticks that may have been left behind.

Do the same as you did with the pillows in the house: leave them alone for a few hours and then you can vacuum them well.

  • It is best to repeat this  process every two weeks so that any flea or tick  your pet may have brought in can be eradicated. 

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