Coconut Citrus Oil For Nourished And Clear Skin

If you want to use coconut citrus oil during the day, covering the area or applying sunscreen is very important as the citrus contained in it can stain your skin.
Coconut citrus oil for nourished and clear skin

Coconut oil is great for your health. In addition, it is fantastic as a natural beauty product because of its richness in vitamins and minerals. Citrus also adds a fresh addition to make a nourishing coconut citrus oil.

Coconut oil is a nourishing, balancing and moisturizing oil that gives  your skin a beautiful softness and glow. In this article, we suggest combining extra virgin coconut oil with certain citrus essential oils. This will add even more glow to your face.

Moreover, this prevents the appearance of spots and that spots are removed from your skin.

coconut oil

A few decades ago, people criticized coconut oil. It was considered to be a poor quality grease. However, we now know that it is a superfood, which is extremely good for people with all kinds of health problems.

In addition, it is an excellent beauty product for all skin types.

For example, extra virgin coconut oil deeply nourishes your skin. It prevents wrinkles and firms your skin, while balancing sebum production. In addition, it makes the skin wonderfully soft.

A nourishing oil for all skin types

  • If you have very dry skin, you can combine coconut oil with almond or rosehip oil.
  • If you are one of those people with oily skin, mix it with aloe vera gel. This mixture is also good for sensitive, combination and acne prone skin.

Citrus based essential oils

Citrus based essential oils

Citrus based essential oils are very good for you, such as:

  • lemon
  • orange
  • tangerine
  • grapefruit

Plus, they also have a wonderful, refreshing aroma.

Citrus based essential oils:

  • refresh and revitalize your skin
  • make your skin radiant and prevent and fight spots on your skin
  • prevent acne and blemishes and make them lighter
  • have a stimulating effect that improves your mood and helps against depression and stress


However, you should know that if your skin is exposed to sunlight, you should not use citrus-based essential oils. The reason for this is that these oils are light sensitive.

That’s why we recommend using this coconut citrus oil at night to improve skin regeneration and remove blemishes. You can also use the oil if you don’t go out in the sun.

Making coconut-citrus oil

Making coconut-citrus oil

Now we will explain how to make this nutritious coconut citrus oil.


  • 200 ml extra virgin coconut oil
  • 20 drops of essential oils from one or more citrus fruits, such as:
    • lemon
    • orange
    • tangerine
    • grapefruit

Note: You should use a  dark colored glass bottle so that the mixture retains its good properties.

How are you?

  • To make this nutritious coconut citrus oil, put the ingredients in a bottle and shake it until well blended.
  • However, keep in mind that the coconut oil will solidify if the temperature is below 23 degrees.
  • In this case, melt it first in a bain-marie or by heating it briefly in the microwave. Watch carefully and don’t let it get too hot. Then add the essential oils.
  • It then no longer matters whether it solidifies, because the oils are already combined into a coconut-citrus oil.


  • Apply this nourishing coconut citrus oil every night before going to bed after removing your makeup and washing your face.
  • Avoid the eyes to avoid getting irritated. Also, do not apply this oil to cuts or other injuries.
  • You can use the lotion anywhere on your body where you want softer, glowing skin. You can also use it anywhere you have spots or imperfections. With the help of this oil you can combat them.
  • You can apply it during the day when you are not out in the sun or when your skin is covered with clothing.

Coconut-citrus oil hair mask

Beautiful hair with coconut citrus oil

Plus, this conditioning oil is also great for your hair if you’re looking for any of the following:

  • softer, shinier hair
  • less greasy hair and balanced oil production

Note: It is not recommended for very dry or color treated hair.


  • Apply the coconut citrus oil to the hair before going to sleep, from the ends to the roots.
  • While applying, use some pressure and massage the oil in to improve circulation and absorption of the oil.
  • The next morning, wash your hair twice to remove all the oil.
  • You don’t have to use conditioner afterwards. 

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