Cleaning Drains Without Chemicals

Pouring used cooking oil or grease down your drain can cause it to harden and stop the flow of water. Instead, keep these in separate jars or containers.
Cleaning drains without chemicals

One of the most irritating problems you can experience at home is a clogged drain in your bathroom or kitchen. It is common and in addition to unpleasant odors, cleaning drains is also very difficult.

Today, there are plenty of products that help to unclog drains quickly and effectively. For the environment, these products are not recommended as they are full of chemicals and other toxic substances that affect not only the environment but also the health of the person using them.

If you already know that chemicals are not the best option for cleaning your drains, then you should stop now and try healthier and more effective alternatives. In today’s article, we’ll share some of the best tips and natural products you can use to unclog and clean your home’s drains whenever you need to.

White vinegar, baking soda and salt to clean drains

apple cider vinegar

Cleaning your drains regularly can prevent future blockages and damage. A great natural way to keep them clean and prevent bad odors is to mix a cup of baking soda with a cup of table salt and white vinegar.

How are you doing this?

First make sure there is no more water in the drain and then add your ingredients as follows:

  • A cup of baking soda
  • A cup of salt
  • Preferably hot white vinegar, but it can also be cold.
  • Let it soak for ten minutes before pouring boiling water down the drain.

This is a perfect way to get rid of the grease and oil residue that builds up in your drain.

Salt, vinegar and borax to clean drains

This is another simple cleaner that will ensure that your drains will be free of grease, food particles and anything else that clogs them.

How are you doing this?

Mix ¼ cup salt with ½ cup white vinegar and ¼ cup borax. Then pour this mixture down your drain and immediately add boiling water to it. You can even improve the results by boiling a pan with water and a good amount of salt and pouring it into the sink after the first step.

Clean drains with baking soda, salt and lemon juice

Lemon and Salt

This natural preparation of baking soda, salt and lemon juice makes cleaning your drains and combating unpleasant odors very easy.

How are you doing this?

Mix equal parts baking soda and salt. Then pour this down your drain and add a lot of lemon juice. Then pour a good amount of boiling water into the sink.

Cleaning drains with salt

A simple trick to keep your drains clean is to mix salt with hot water.

How are you doing this?

Heat a cup of water and add three tablespoons of salt. Then pour this mixture down the drain and let it sit overnight.

How can you prevent your drain from getting clogged?

  • The best way to keep your drains clean is to prevent food, hair, and other substances from getting into them. Use a filter for all drains in your home. This will prevent residues from causing a blockage over time.
  • Never pour used cooking oil or fat into the sink. Although they are often liquid when you wash the dishes, they harden over time and block your drains and pipes. It is best to pour these remains into a jar or old plastic container and let them harden before throwing them away.
  • Nevertheless, it is always a good idea to regularly clean your drains with one of the above treatments, so that you can keep them clean and prevent future blockages and unpleasant odors. 

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