Cinnamon And Banana Tea For Insomnia

By combining cinnamon and banana, you get a tea that has relaxing properties, which can help relieve stress and anxiety and promote a good night’s sleep.
Cinnamon and banana tea for insomnia

Fortunately, there are also a few healthy and natural alternatives. After all, they will help you fall asleep without unwanted side effects. In this article, we propose a simple tea made from cinnamon and banana. This can help to relax the body and also solve some possible sleeping problems.

Sleeping at least seven or eight hours every night is crucial for a good quality of life. It is also essential to improve your physical and mental performance.

Although we sometimes ignore this fact, the amount of sleep you get during the night has a huge impact on your health. This also affects your overall sense of well-being.

Many functions in your body are active while you sleep. This clears your mind and recharges your energy supply. When you wake up, you therefore have enough energy to handle the day.

A modern problem

Unfortunately, our modern lifestyle has resulted in millions of people around the world getting less sleep. This is a risk factor for several types of disorders. Poor eating habits, stress and nutritional deficiencies are just a few of the causes of these problems.

Difficulty sleeping initially makes you feel tired and weak. In the long run, this can even cause cognitive impairment.

Today, however, you can combat insomnia by taking medication. They force the body to develop a normal sleep cycle. However, if you keep taking these drugs for too long, they can actually have the opposite effect. After that you will eventually become dependent on it.

What are the benefits of this cinnamon and banana tea?


Tea made from cinnamon and banana is becoming more and more known all over the world as a natural alternative for insomnia and other problems related to sleep. By combining these two nutritious ingredients, you get a powerful agent that can help reduce stress while improving your sleep quality.

Bananas have a delicious, sweet taste and are part of various diets thanks to their high potassium and magnesium content. Both potassium and magnesium facilitate certain bodily functions, including regulating blood pressure and expelling accumulated fluid.

In addition, bananas have a positive effect on your muscles and the health of your veins. This causes your body to produce less cortisol (also known as the stress hormone).

However, the main benefit that bananas offer in terms of a better night’s sleep is the amount of tryptophan they contain. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that increases serotonin production. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter your body needs to sleep well at night.

The second main ingredient in this recipe is cinnamon. Cinnamon is a medicinal spice that contains active ingredients such as eugenol. Eugenol is the component that gives cinnamon its intense fragrance and is responsible for much of the benefits cinnamon provides.

Consuming cinnamon is especially recommended for people who suffer from type 2 diabetes, as it can help lower blood sugar levels by boosting metabolism.

Cinnamon also promotes healthy digestion and circulation, two important aspects for people who suffer from sleep problems.

How do you make this cinnamon and banana tea for insomnia?

cinnamon tea

This remedy is very easy to make and what is especially handy is that you can buy both ingredients in the supermarket at fairly low prices.

By following this recipe, you will get a drink that has a mild anesthetic effect and will help ease stress, anxiety and other emotions that can disrupt your sleep.


  • 1 banana
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon (2.5 g)
  • 1 liter of water


  • Cut off the ends of the banana without removing the skin and then put the banana in a liter of boiling water.
  • Lower the heat and let the banana cook for about ten minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, let it sit for a few more minutes, then pour the mixture through the strainer.
  • Add a pinch of cinnamon and mix everything well.


  • Drink one cup of this tea forty minutes before bedtime every night.
  • Keep repeating this treatment until your problem is completely gone.

Do you suffer from sleeping problems? Then drink this tea and you will see that this is a great way to say goodbye to this problem completely.

Remember that the benefits of this tea also depend on other habits you have and the space and conditions in which you sleep.

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