Caramelized Onion Jam Recipe

Today we are going to make a sweet onion jam. It’s easy to make and will give your meal that innovative touch it needs.
Caramelized onion jam recipe

Onion jam will surprise your guests and there will be nothing left when they leave. It is a perfect side dish to spice up your normal meals and you can combine it perfectly with starters, steaks, fish and of course cheeses. This jam is an easy way to give your dishes a unique taste.

We already know onions are great for you. No matter how you consume them, they are healthy and have a great taste. It is often a staple of the dishes we cook. This small vegetable is becoming increasingly popular. Try it out, you and your family will love it.

Benefits of onion jam

  • Anti-anemic properties: Onions are an excellent source of iron, phosphorus and vitamin E, helping us to make and maintain red blood cells.
  • Diuretic with cleansing properties: Thanks to its high amount of potassium, it helps with water retention and regulating high blood pressure.
  • Source of Vitamin B: Onions are a great source of Vitamin B and magnesium. They therefore help our nervous and muscle systems. A simple source of energy that helps us every day.
  • Antioxidant: Thanks to the vitamins A and C and flavonoids in onions, we get a good amount of antioxidants.
  • Helps with constipation: Onions are good for relieving constipation and they regulate our digestive system, preventing intestinal parasites.

Onion jam recipe

Onion jam recipe

Onion jam is surprisingly easy to make. The first thing you should do is buy some  glass jars to hold the jam once you’ve made it. This recipe is for almost 1 kilo of jam, so keep that in mind when you buy the jars so that you can store everything.

It is better to roast the onions in the oven instead of boiling them in water. This will make the taste much stronger and better. But you can of course decide for yourself what you prefer. Some people even like to grill them. It is your choice.


  • 1 kilo green onions
  • 500 grams sugar (or another sweetener)


  • First cover the baking sheet with aluminum foil.
  • Peel the onions and wash them. Place them on the baking tray and drizzle with olive oil and a pinch of salt.
  • Preheat the oven to 200ยบ C and cook the onions for 35-40 minutes. Turn them occasionally so that both sides are well toasted.
  • Then remove the roasted onions from the oven and let them cool for a few minutes.
  • Meanwhile, fill a pan with three cups of water and the 500 grams of sugar.
  • Add the roasted onions and cook them over medium heat for 30 minutes. Stir continuously to make sure they don’t burn or stick to the bottom.
  • The mixture will slowly thicken and caramelize, giving it a dark brown color and the smell will be great. Again, make sure they don’t burn, because if they burn even a little bit, the entire flavor will be affected.
  • Let the mixture stand for 10 minutes. During this time it will get even thicker. After that, we can start pouring the jam into the jars.
  • If you want to store the onion jam, you can heat the jars in boiling water. Carefully place the jar in boiling water after sealing it. When you hear a ‘popping’ sound, the jar is ready to be stored.

Different variations of onion jam

This recipe is for sweet caramelized jam. There are also other versions. Some people like it with balsamic vinegar, butter and 200 grams of brown sugar and the same amount of onions. You can even add a little bit of honey.

Our way is much simpler and you will taste the characteristic roasted taste in every bite. If you like mixing sweet and savory and trying different flavors, this recipe is definitely for you!


  • The onion jam as a spread on whole wheat crackers.
  • A slice of goat cheese and a tablespoon of onion jam.

A delicious and original starter that will surprise all your guests.

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