Boost Your Immune System Naturally

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Strengthen your immune system naturally

Your immune system is also known as the immune system. It has the important task of protecting your body against diseases that are transmitted through viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. A strong immune system ensures good health and therefore a good quality of life.

By having a strong immune system, you can be sure that your health is in good shape and you will have a good quality of life. Find out in this article how you can strengthen your immune system naturally.

immune system

The job of the immune system is to recognize and destroy external organisms that want to enter the body. This bodily system is even capable of recognizing anything that is introduced to or enters the body. But due to certain factors that our bodies are exposed to on a daily basis or wrong choices in our lifestyle, our immune system can be weakened, making us susceptible to certain diseases.

Fortunately, by changing some daily habits and trying the remedies below, you can strengthen your body’s defense system.

Tips to strengthen your immune system

Before we tell you how to make a weakened immune system stronger, here are some recommendations that are essential for having a strong immune system.

Eat lean proteins


Experts recommend eating meats like beef or pork in moderation to take advantage of the important proteins they contain. In addition, you can eat a lot of fish and shellfish, which also contain important nutrients to strengthen the immune system.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables first and foremost contain vitamins A, C and E. These vitamins help to keep your immune system optimal. To get more vitamin A, it is best to eat a lot of carrots and green leafy vegetables. You can get more vitamin C by also adding citrus fruits to your diet. For extra vitamin E, it is best to reach for nuts and seeds.

30 minutes of exercise a day

Thirty Minutes of Movement

Health experts recommend spending at least thirty minutes a day exercising – in addition to a lean and fit body, this also ensures a stronger immune system. Physical activity causes white blood cells and antibodies to move faster through the body.

Avoid stressful situations

Stress can literally use up all the energy in your body and completely exhaust the reserves of your immune system. Therefore, it is wise to always avoid stressful situations and try to reduce your workload. Do not do too much at once and sign up for, for example, yoga classes or go for a walk with your dog. These activities will keep you relaxed and stress-free.

Natural ways to boost the immune system

After incorporating the above advice into your daily habits, you can use the following home remedies to rebuild a weakened immune system. Do not forget to take these medicines regularly. They will help prevent many diseases and keep your body resistant to viruses and bacteria.

Orange carrot juice

carrot juice

This is a delicious juice that you can also easily make at home. But orange carrot juice also contains important nutrients such as vitamins A and C and antioxidants that can help strengthen the immune system.


  • 1 carrot
  • 2 oranges
  • A splash of water

How do you make this juice?

Press the carrot through a juicer to extract the juice. If you only have a blender, you can also use this, but add some water. First squeeze the oranges and then mix this juice with the carrot juice and a dash of water.

Kiwi orange juice

Kiwis are incredibly rich in vitamin C. In this recipe, we combine kiwifruit with the properties of orange juice to make a powerful juice that can boost the immune system.


  • 2 kiwis
  • 1 tablespoon bee pollen
  • 1 orange

How do you make this juice?

Wash, peel and cut the kiwi before putting it in the blender. Add the bee pollen and the orange juice and mix for a few minutes. Drink this juice every day, especially in winter when there is an increased risk of contracting the flu or cold.


Propolis is a type of natural resin made by bees. Bees use propolis to cover the holes in their hive and prevent the spread of germs. Consuming propolis helps the body fight against bacteria, acts as a disinfectant and strengthens the immune system. Dissolve twenty drops of propolis in a glass of water and drink it three times a day.

Immune Stimulating Juice

Mango Smoothie

This juice combines the beneficial properties of garlic, orange, onion and broccoli to make a potent remedy that will boost the immune system.  While this juice may not taste that great, it offers some really great health benefits and can protect your body from a variety of diseases.


  • 1 orange
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 onion
  • 1 broccoli rose

How do you make this juice?

First, juice the orange and blend the juice with the other ingredients in a blender until smooth. Then drink this juice every day for a week. Then take a break for a month and then continue the treatment again.

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