An Emotional Detox Using Five Healthy Strategies

Holding in everything you’re feeling while unable to detoxify emotionally can send you into an explosion that expresses your frustration in the worst possible way.
An Emotional Detox Using Five Healthy Strategies

Are you always tired? Do you suffer from anxiety? You may need to learn some strategies to perform an emotional detox.

Sometimes we fail to manage our emotions well, and instead of expressing them, we keep them inside.

Emotions come and go. But often we keep them inside and start to worry, we get stressed and anxious, afraid of what awaits us around the corner.

Today you will learn five strategies for an emotional detox and for letting go of that weight that has been carrying you for so long and making you so unhappy.

1. Conscious breathing for an emotional detox

To breathe

It may seem strange, but how often are you aware of your breathing? Giving yourself a minute to observe your own breathing will help clear and heal your emotions.

  • Pick a time of day when you won’t be disturbed.
  • Close your eyes and feel yourself breathing. Concentrate on the movement of your abdomen or chest.
  • Then focus on the air entering and exiting your nose.

Feel the cool air come in and the warm air go out. Notice how relaxed you are and how you are aware of something you are always doing without paying attention to it.

2. Recharge your positive energy

Find time for yourself, a moment in your day that you can dedicate completely to yourself to recharge your positive energy after cleansing your emotions through conscious breathing.

A walk in nature, reading a book or watching a positive documentary will help recharge and motivate you. It will give you the strength you need to go about your day with energy.

Did you know this other way to recharge your positive energy? It’s talking to yourself, out loud, and saying things like, “Come on, I can do it,” “I’m going to do it now,” “That’s a great idea,” and more of this kind of encouragement.

3. Don’t hold back


We learn certain behaviors that, as it turns out, are emotionally bad for us. For example, holding back your tears, not saying what you’re thinking for fear of rejection, not talking to your boss because she’s your supervisor, and much more.

All this means that you do not let go of your feelings. You can always say what your emotions want to express, in the right way and with respect.

So don’t hold back. You need this. Put these three strategies into practice now to detoxify yourself emotionally.

4. Write down what you feel

If you think you can’t let go of things by telling someone directly, even in the most respectful way possible, then you can write it down.

  • Writing is wonderful therapy. Here you can read back in your previous notes and see how far you have come.  But even when you have had setbacks, it helps you to look at your situation from a different perspective.
  • Don’t limit yourself and don’t think you’re writing nonsense. Run your hand across the page to express everything you feel inside.

It will be very liberating and it will help you with the emotional detox.

5. Practice Mindfulness for an Emotional Detox


You may think the above point about conscious breathing is the same as this, but mindfulness is actually much more.

Mindfulness is something you can always do, even while doing the dishes or on a train ride to work.  It is something that makes you aware of the present moment. But it also helps you to look at your own thoughts.

Thoughts have a profound effect on your emotions and can affect you more than they should. What are you holding on to? What fears do you have? Are the worries you worry helping you in some way?

This lifestyle will help you practice the above strategies to detoxify emotionally and be freer.

All of these emotional detox strategies are very important. The consequences of not being able to detox can cause explosions of anger, which as you know can seriously damage relationships.

This way you can better manage your feelings. This is of utmost importance if you want to be happy and have better relationships with the people around you.

Practice mindfulness, take the time to think, and put the rest of the strategies we talked about into practice. Detox yourself emotionally and let go of the worries that you have been carrying around for too long.

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