After This Article You Will See Bananas Completely Different

Bananas give you the energy you need for hard work, both physically and mentally. You just have to learn to eat them at the right time.
After this article you will see bananas completely different

Weight loss diets are sometimes wrong. However, it is true that some foods are less suitable when you are trying to lose weight. We sometimes think of bananas. However, after you read this article, you will see bananas completely different.

Bananas are a fruit that people prefer to avoid from their diet. That’s probably because of the high calorie count. Here at Healthier Living , however, we’ve shown several times that bananas have much more to offer than just high-calorie foods.

In some cases, high-calorie foods can actually help you lose weight. One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose weight is avoiding essential nutrients. They search the internet for strict diets and follow them to the letter, when in fact they miss a lot of their nutritional needs.

A person with an office job does not have the same needs as someone who stands all day or who is more physically active. That’s why it’s good to study exactly which foods are best to eat and how to get the most out of them.

You also have to take the seasons into account. Remember that your body works differently in high temperatures than in winter. At warm temperatures you sweat more, your blood pressure can drop and you have less energy to move. What you eat therefore also depends on external factors such as these.

Thanks to these health benefits, you will see bananas completely differently

Bananas vs Depression

Happy and depressed

Why are bananas good when you’re depressed? That’s because they contain tryptophan, an amino acid that your body converts into serotonin. When this substance hits your brain, you feel more peaceful and calm. For example, you can see bananas completely differently, namely as a tool instead of as a food.

A banana will give you that extra dose of optimism you so desperately need when dealing with depression. Of course, a banana does not have the same effect as the medication prescribed by the doctor. However, this yellow fruit helps to enhance its effect and can thus still boost your quality of life.

Say goodbye to PMS

Have you ever had a craving for something sweet in the days leading up to your period? Hormonal changes are the culprit here, as they throw your blood sugar out of balance, causing your body to crave sugar.

  • Bananas are perfect in this situation, as they raise your blood sugar and make you feel full.
  • They are also much healthier than other sweets. That’s because bananas, like all fruits, are high in fiber. Fiber helps to initiate defecation. This allows the body to get rid of substances it does not need.

Bananas can help with morning sickness

morning sickness

Bananas help with morning sickness in two ways:

  • On the one hand, they regenerate the mucus that protects your stomach lining.
  • On the other hand, they replenish minerals such as potassium lost through vomiting. This will also reduce the contractions associated with nausea.

We recommend eating one banana between meals.

Bananas are good sources of energy

To give you an idea of ​​how much energy bananas can give you, you’re ready for a 90-minute workout if you’ve only consumed one banana.

As humans, of course, we do more than just train. If you have a demanding job with little time for a snack break, bananas are a good solution. They also help you to be more productive.

And come on, you can eat a banana in a minute, can’t you?

Couple jogging in the park

Bananas help you stay awake and focused

This benefit has to do with the previous point, but is also related to your serotonin production. For your brain to work properly, you need to feel relaxed as well as be able to use your energy to the fullest.

This combination is essential when you are trying to make logical connections and decisions. Therefore, bananas are ideal for people who need 100% of their brain capacity.

And? Have you started to see bananas completely differently now that you know all this? For many people this is a nice surprise. Now you can enjoy it even more! Use however always your common sense and do not exaggerate. Just listen to your body (and your doctor!) and give it what it needs.

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