Acupressure To Cure Headaches And Stress

The purpose of this technique is to stimulate circulation and relax the muscles. To balance the energy we need to apply symmetrical pressure.
Acupressure to cure headaches and stress

Acupressure is one of the oldest alternative therapies and is used to alleviate multiple problems. To apply acupressure, you should learn where the so-called pressure points are and how to manipulate them.

These pressure points are located in certain places in the body where many nerves are located, such as the temples. By working these points correctly, you can stimulate circulation and relieve tension and pain in the muscles.

Most types of headaches occur as a result of stress and tension. In order to alleviate this problem and minimize its effects, in this article we share with you some acupressure techniques that you can easily apply yourself at home.

How do you apply the pressure

When you apply pressure to a certain part of the body, it is important that you apply the same amount of pressure to the same part on the other side of your body. In this way the energy is balanced.

To stimulate this part of the body, depending on the bodily function you want to improve, you can apply firm pressure, massage using slow circular motions, or apply harder friction. You can apply pressure with your fingers, knuckles, thumbs, or the palm of your hand.

Acupressure to combat headaches and stress

Massage your sleep

Your temples are on the sides of your head, at the level of the eyebrows. To know exactly where to find the temples, move your thumbs from the outer tip of your eyebrows an inch and a half toward your hairline.

When you’ve found them, use your thumbs to apply gentle pressure and evenly massage the temples counterclockwise. You can perform this massage for at least a minute. Breathe in and out deeply while massaging.

The inner tip of your eyebrows

Close up of eyebrows and eyes

Just above the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows are two pressure points that can also help relieve headaches and tension.

We recommend that you do not apply pressure on these points, as this can be quite unpleasant. It is best to massage these pressure points with your index finger for 30 seconds.

Between the little finger and the wrist

When you have found the point between the little finger and the wrist  , you can apply constant pressure on it for 30 seconds.

Apply equal pressure on both wrists. You will find that headaches caused by tension will decrease.

For complete relaxation

Do you want to completely relax and get rid of that stress and headache? Then make a fist with your left hand, with your thumb on top of the index finger .

The pressure point is exactly where the thumb and index finger touch, a little above and to the left of this spot.

Apply pressure to this pressure point again for 30 seconds and repeat this process with your other hand.

Use your feet

Hands massaging feet

The pressure points on the feet are connected to certain organs in the body. To stimulate these pressure points and relieve headaches, apply pressure to the area between the big and second toes. Press this spot on the top of your foot with your thumb for 30 seconds.

Another option to relieve headaches and stress through acupressure on the feet is to apply pressure to the bottoms of the feet, behind the foot bone , for 30 seconds.

The base of the skull

This pressure point can help relieve headaches and certain cold symptoms. Move your index finger from the base of the skull two and a half inches toward the sides of your head.

Massage these two points while applying pressure. Do this for about 30 seconds to one minute.

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