Natural Remedies For Knee Problems

Gelatin is an excellent source of nutrients for your tendons and ligaments, in addition to your nails, hair and skin. Nettle is rich in silicon, magnesium, potassium and chlorophyll, also perfect for strengthening tendons and ligaments.
Natural Remedies For Knee Problems

Knee problems are very common and can occur at any age, disrupting many activities. However, there are natural and healthy options that can complement the strengthening of ligaments and tendons in your knees, allowing you to enjoy a better quality of life.

The knee is one of the most important joints in the body. When in good condition, it moves smoothly and easily, allowing you to walk and run without any problems. If you suffer from wear and tear on your knees and are in a lot of pain, you will find this article interesting. The main thing is to first know the function of tendons and ligaments:

  • Tendons are fibrous tissue responsible for connecting the muscles to the bones.
  • Ligaments, on the other hand, are also a fibrous tissue, but they connect different bones together to keep them stable.

Causes of Knee Problems

According to specialists at the Las Condes clinic, specializing in traumatology and orthopedics, the most common causes are problems with the meniscus, tendonitis or cartilage damage if the pain is only in one knee. That is, it is linked to a sports trauma or other specific trauma.

When both hurt, it is normally due to problems with misalignment or patellar diffusion. Therefore, if you suffer from constant or very strong pain in your knee joints, do not hesitate to consult a specialist as nothing proposed in this article is a medicine in itself.

Natural Remedies For Knee Problems

You should know that the tendons and ligaments also need adequate nutrition. They need the necessary vitamins and minerals to be strong. Discover all this important information to improve your quality of life.

In this article, we provide you with nutritional options that can help prevent ligament and tendon degeneration and thus avoid unwanted injury or pain.

A formula rich in collagen to strengthen ligaments and tendons

According to several studies, gelatin is an excellent source of nutrients for ligaments and tendons. Neutral gelatin is the healthiest, as it contains a higher amount of so-called collagen protein. In addition, this food contributes to the health of your nails, hair and skin.

Try the following recipe.

Smoothie with gelatin for knee problems

What do I need to prepare this for knee problems?

  • 1 ripe plantain
  • Orange juice
  • Gelatin (40 gr.)
  • Honey (60 gr.)


  • First juice an orange and mash the plantain. It is best to use a ripe banana as it provides the most nutrients.
  • Then make a smooth paste with the banana and add two tablespoons of honey.
  • Now start preparing the neutral gelatin. First dissolve it in water and then heat it so that it solidifies. Heat the orange juice separately and then add the gelatin little by little to avoid lumps.
  • Now choose a good mold. Pour the gelatin and orange juice mixture into the mold and refrigerate. Wait between 15 and 20 minutes for it to set.
  • Once it has hardened, remove the gelatin from the mold and place it on a plate. Place the plantain and honey puree on top or next to it.

You already know that plantains are a natural food that gives you energy, is packed with proteins and carbohydrates, perfect for revitalizing your body. When you add the vitamin C of oranges, you get a “medicinal cocktail” worth consuming at least twice a week.

Smoothie of oats, pineapple and cinnamon for knee problems

This smoothie is rich in magnesium, silicon, vitamin C and bromelain. Pineapple provides the final component, bromelain, which is ideal for combating the common inflammation commonly associated with knee problems. We recommend drinking this smoothie every morning to maximize the effect.

Healthy drink also good for children

What do you need to make this smoothie?

  • 150 grams ready-to-eat oats
  • water (250ml)
  • pineapple juice
  • Orange juice
  • Honey (40 gr.)
  • Ground cinnamon (7 gr.)
  • Ground almonds (40 gr.)


  • Start boiling the water and then add the oats to the pan.
  • Stir it gently and let it boil.
  • Then put the pineapple juice, orange juice, honey, cinnamon, crushed almonds and cooked oats in the blender.
  • Blend until you have a smooth mixture.
  • For a hot day, add a few ice cubes to cool.

Nettle and lemon juice

Nettle is known as an effective treatment for gout, a common form of arthritis. Thanks to its mineral content, it can help your body repair cartilage.

Combined with the properties of lemon, nettle makes this drink a great option to strengthen the ligaments and tendons in your knees and in your body in general.

What do you need?

  • 80 grams nettle
  • Juice of a lemon
  • A liter of water


  • First of all, boil a liter of water.
  • Then add the nettle. This can be fresh or dry, it doesn’t matter.
  • Let it boil and then remove it from the heat. Let it cool for 15 minutes.
  • You must then strain the infusion and put it in a glass bottle.
  • Close the bottle and let it sit for another hour. Then you can drink it at room temperature.

You can also add two more tablespoons of honey. The taste may be strong, but this natural sweetener makes it much tastier and healthier. Remember, drink this drink three times a week and it will relieve your knee problems.

With these simple remedies, you can improve the health of your tendons and ligaments to some extent, in addition to strengthening your knees. Thus, it helps you carry out your daily activities without weakening. However, you should always see a doctor if your pain persists or if it really bothers you.

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