6 Important Signs That You Have High Blood Sugar

It may seem contradictory, but you may lose weight quickly for no apparent reason if your blood sugar is too high. This is because your body will burn more calories.
6 Important Signs You Are Suffering From High Blood Sugar

The body sends us more signals than we think. Especially in the area of ​​certain problems related to high cholesterol or high blood sugar.

We tend to associate high blood sugar with diabetes,  but to be honest, this isn’t the only problem.

In reality, anyone can suffer from this problem. And then in the first place without recognizing it. So if you think this could be the case with you, pay close attention. Try to pick up on the signals your body is sending you.

1. Being Hungry All Day Long

This is a symptom that affects more people than you might think. If you’re hungry all day long, that could be a sign. It could be that something is not working properly.

If we have too high blood sugar, it prevents glucose from being released into our cells. The result of this is that the body does not get the energy  it needs. As a result, the body is forced to ask for food throughout the day. This is what causes the ongoing feeling of hunger.

2. Being very tired

Severe fatigue can be a sign of high blood sugar

When we notice that we are very tired, we always blame it on something. We are too busy or we have too much work. Perhaps we attribute this to other problems such as anemia. But in reality, this can also be caused by high blood sugar.

When we have this problem, the body is unable to adequately conserve and absorb glucose. As a result, the energy is not used efficiently. The cells of the body do not receive enough food that they need.

As a result, the person feels very tired, even if there is no reason at all.

3. Going to the toilet very often

Frequent urination is a symptom of diabetes.

If we have too high blood sugar, it affects the kidneys. They try to bring the sugar level back into balance, both in the blood and in the cells.

What eventually happens is that the body dissolves the blood in the intracellular fluid. That way it tries to get the sugar level down. We notice this because we have to go to the toilet much more often.

4. Lose Weight Fast

Rapid weight loss can be a sign of high blood sugar

If you have high blood sugar, you  can lose weight. Even lose a lot of weight in a short time. That seems strange, don’t you think?

Believe it or not, this can happen. Even if you eat a lot of high-calorie products. This weight loss has several causes:

  • moisture loss. Frequent urination causes a lot of fluid loss. The water content in the body decreases and that causes you to lose weight.
  • Large amounts of urine with a lot of glucose in it cause the body to burn more calories. Because of all this, your body tries to get rid of the excess glucose.
  • In addition, your body can switch to burning fat. This happens when insulin levels aren’t high enough for your metabolism.

5. Blurred vision can be a sign of high blood sugar

If your vision is sometimes blurred, this can also be due to high blood sugar. In this case, it is the result of dehydration due to the elevated blood sugar level.

When this happens,  your whole body suffers. The same goes for the cells in your eyes. Because there is so much sugar in the eye fluid, your vision is blurred and it is difficult to focus.

6. Being Irritated

Irritability due to high blood sugar

If you feel more often and more irritated than ever before, you need to think about the cause. It is one of the symptoms associated with high blood sugar. Often it is accompanied by the other symptoms we have described.

This is because people with high blood sugars are more anxious and nervous. In addition, they are more often and more irritated. It can even increase the risk of depression.

The brain needs a continuous and adequate supply of glucose to function properly. If there are major changes in the supply of these, this will have consequences for the functioning. As a result, the mood will suddenly become much worse.

In addition, sugar is related to the absorption of another nutrient responsible for our mood: chromium. Without this nutrient, we cannot maintain our insulin levels.

Featured Image Courtesy of © wikiHow.com 

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