Everything You Need To Know About The Polio Vaccine

There are two versions of the polio vaccine. Both contributed to this disease being nearly eradicated. We will now share with you everything you need to know about polio immunization.
Everything you need to know about the polio vaccine

Today, the polio vaccine is a clear example of how sustained immunization plans produce results over time. Thanks to this drug, a disease as serious as polio has almost disappeared all over the world.

This simple, inexpensive and widespread method with proven effectiveness has allowed us to reduce the transmission of the virus among the general population, both children and adults. What does it consist of? How do doctors administer it? Here are the details.

What is polio?

Poliomyelitis is a disease caused by the polio virus, of which there are three known types. One type has already disappeared and there is no new data on outbreaks. The other two are still active, but with a low incidence due to worldwide vaccinations.

A person contracts polio when he or she comes into contact with another infected person, or when the virus uses food to propagate and infect (Spanish link). This occurs due to the contamination of drinks and food through feces.

Most infected are asymptomatic. This means that they show no signs of the disease. However, the small group of visible symptoms can progress to serious complications, such as paralysis (Spanish link).

Paralysis: the most severe form

The paralytic form is the most severe form of polio. People suffer from muscle weakness that extends to all parts of the body, including the chest. In fact, it compromises respiratory dynamics, leading to death from asphyxiation.

There is no cure. Therefore, vaccination has come to represent a possible approach to prevent the uncontrolled spread of the virus.

The polio virus and the polio vaccine

The polio vaccine: two different types

Science has succeeded in developing two polio vaccines. They are known by the name of their creators which is the Sabin vaccine and the Salk vaccine. The first is administered orally and the second is administered intramuscularly.

The Sabin vaccine

The Sabin vaccine is an immunization with a live attenuated virus. To achieve immunization, labs induce genetic mutations in the viral particles to make them less virulent. In this way, once vaccinated, they can cause symptoms, but very mild ones. This does not change the immunity that the vaccine produces.

A feature of hot Sabin vaccine is its ability to replicate in the digestive system. This causes the ‘herd immunity effect’, as those who were inoculated then expel weakened particles with their feces which aid in the immunization of the inmates of the same household.

The Salk Vaccine

The Salk vaccine, as we have already mentioned, is intramuscular. Like other vaccines, it stings and penetrates the muscle and leaves the vaccine there. In this case, the viruses are not weakened, they are inactive.

The procedure is different and the result varies a bit compared to the Sabin vaccine. The entire intestinal process does not take place here and this immunization is therefore effective in preventing severe forms of the virus. However, it has no effect on the immunity of the group and does not prevent individuals from carrying the virus in their digestive system.

Who Should Get the Polio Vaccine?

The indications for vaccination against polio differ from country to country. Countries are developing protocols for administering immunizations in accordance with local epidemiology and current legislation.

In general, however, most agree on the following:

  • Children must be given a repeated dose schedule to achieve immunity. They are the population group most at risk. Therefore, the goal is to reach this entire group in some way.
  • Children usually receive 5 doses. The first is given at 2 months, the second at four months and the last three doses are given at 6 months, 18 months and 6 years. Dates may vary, but should never be given earlier than stated ages.
  • In the case of adults, there is less consensus. If they were not given the doses according to the above schedule as a child, they will receive the vaccine at intervals similar to a child’s.
  • Those traveling to countries with a high prevalence of polio, and health professionals working with polio patients, should also be vaccinated.
Different types of vaccines

Potential Side Effects of the Polio Vaccine

In general, the polio vaccine in all its versions has few side effects. Most that do occur occur in the area of ​​the injection and involve redness and inflammation.

With the Sabin version of immunization, there may be mild gastrointestinal symptoms consisting of diarrhea, some nausea and even elevation below 37.5ºC. This will stop on its own and will never last longer than 48 hours.

There are reports (Spanish link) showing more serious reactions, with an allergic reaction being the most worrying. Fortunately, there are not too many cases and it is estimated that this type of side effect occurs in 1 per million inhabitants.

An effective vaccine available worldwide

The polio vaccine is a very effective method of preventing this disease. There are not many diseases that can be avoided so easily if the immunization schedule is adhered to.

For this reason, it is essential that countries and individuals make greater efforts to implement this vaccination program. We are very close to completely eradicating polio from this planet (Spanish link) and it would be a waste of decades of work if we don’t finish the job.

If you have young children, ask your local health center about getting them vaccinated. If you are an adult, check your vaccination record to make sure your vaccinations are up to date. The vaccination departments in hospitals have the right information for you to help you.

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