Prevent Crow’s Feet With These Natural Products

Even if your crow’s feet are not yet very clearly visible, it is wise to start using these natural products as soon as possible to delay the appearance of these annoying lines. But even better: prevent crow’s feet with natural products.
Prevent crow's feet with these natural products

Crow’s feet are fine wrinkles around the corners of the eyes that are caused by the skin being constantly stretched when making various facial expressions, as well as by the gradual decrease of collagen and elastin in the skin. Prevent crow’s feet with the natural products that we will explain in this article.

The appearance of these wrinkles is a common sign of aging, but they can also appear prematurely as a result of overexposure to the sun and toxins and poor eating habits.

While it’s great that crow’s feet don’t pose a health risk, a lot of people are still looking for ways to make these lines less visible, simply because they don’t find them attractive.

The problem, however, is that most of the remedies and commercial creams available for this are very expensive and so not everyone can afford to buy them regularly.

Fortunately, there are also natural ingredients that, thanks to their properties, can be used as cosmetic rejuvenating agents to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet.

Below we share the six best ingredients to include in your daily beauty routine.

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1. Prevent Crow’s Feet With Protein

Prevent crow's feet with protein

Protein is a natural ingredient that has been used as an alternative to commercial cosmetics for decades, thanks to its ability to cleanse and smooth the skin.

In addition, protein contains essential amino acids and vitamins and minerals that create a protective layer against cellular damage. That’s why this ingredient is such a great remedy to combat the premature appearance of wrinkles.

How do you use protein?

  • Beat the egg white until it has a foamy consistency.
  • Clean your face, then apply the whipped egg whites to the outer corners of your eyes and cheekbones.
  • Let it do its work for fifteen to twenty minutes and then rinse with cold water.

2. Prevent crow’s feet with milk

The lactic acid in milk is great for anti-aging by removing dead skin cells and eliminating blemishes.

Milk’s properties regulate collagen production and have a firming effect that can help reduce the appearance of crow’s feet.

How do you use milk?

  • Place a small amount of milk in the freezer until it is quite cold. Then use it to rub the skin around your eyes.
  • Let the milk sit on your skin for fifteen minutes and then rinse it off.
  • Do this every night for best results .

3. Prevent Crow’s Feet With Papaya

Prevent crow's feet with papaya

A papaya mask is a great replacement for commercial anti-wrinkle creams, as it is able to significantly reduce the appearance of fine lines around your eyes.

This fruit contains enzymes and antioxidants that smooth the skin and counteract the loss of elastin and firmness.

How do you use papaya?

  • Mash a slice of ripe papaya and then apply this puree to the skin around the outer corners of your eyes and cheekbones.
  • Let the mask sit for thirty minutes and then rinse with cool water.
  • Use this mask at least three times a week.

4. Prevent crow’s feet with castor oil

While castor oil is best known for its benefits for hair growth, it’s also helpful to know that it’s also a great way to reduce the appearance of fine lines like crow’s feet.

The natural fatty acids that castor oil contains, as well as the emollient properties it has, can nourish the skin deep inside and reduce a worn-out appearance.

How do you use castor oil?

  • Put a few drops of castor oil on your fingertips and rub it over your crow’s feet.
  • Do not rinse off the oil. Do this every night before going to bed.

5. Prevent Crow’s Feet With Aloe Vera

Prevent crow's feet with aloe vera

The gel containing the aloe vera plant can be used as a natural cream that moisturizes the skin and keeps it firm, also helping to reduce the appearance of premature signs of aging.

Aloe vera gel contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that create a protective barrier against the dangerous effects of free radicals.

How do you use aloe vera gel?

  • Scrape the gel from an aloe vera leaf and rub it into the skin around your eyes until the gel is completely absorbed by the skin.
  • Then leave the gel on your skin for two hours and then rinse it off.
  • Do this two to three times a week, preferably in the evening.

6. Peppers

Peppers are without a doubt one of the most beneficial natural remedies for the sensitive skin around your eyes.

The high concentration of water, together with the antioxidants and minerals contained in peppers, helps to prevent sagging, wrinkles and puffiness.

How do you use peppers?

  • Process a pepper in the blender until it is completely pureed and then put the puree in the refrigerator.
  • Let the puree cool for two hours. Then apply it to the areas of your skin you want to treat.
  • Let the puree do its work for twenty minutes and then rinse it off.                           
  • Do this every day, preferably just before going to bed.

Are you looking for the ideal remedy to prevent crow’s feet and fine lines? Then try one of the home remedies we discussed above. Include these in your daily beauty routine, even if your skin already looks great.

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