9 Exercises With A Fitness Ball

Fitness balls are perfect for toning muscles, improving posture and increasing agility. They are also used to improve coordination and body awareness.
9 exercises with a fitness ball

Fitness balls are becoming more and more popular. You will probably find them in most gyms and training centers. You can even buy a fitness ball and use it at home. There are several exercises with a fitness ball that you can also do at home.

In this article we offer a training routine with a fitness ball, which allows you to use the properties of fitness balls.

Get in shape with a fitness ball

There are many different ways to train. Workouts and training schedules are always changing and new elements are added. In the case of the fitness ball, it is used to:

  • to strengthen the muscles
  • improve coordination
  • improve body awareness

That is why it is used in rehabilitation, yoga or when doing crunches. It helps to:

  • avoid twists or unexpected or aggressive movements
  • reduces the risk of injuries
  • activates multiple muscle groups (because it’s an object that won’t stay still)

In addition, the fitness ball focuses on concentration and balance, improves posture, increases agility and strengthens the muscles faster. So make sure to include the following exercises in your exercise ball workout routine.

1. Bridge

Woman doing the bridge with a fitness ball

The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the abs, hamstrings, and glutes.

  • The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the abs, hamstrings, and glutes.
  • First, lie on your back on a mat with your hands at your sides.
  • Then place your calves on top of the ball and lift your pelvis slightly, so form a bridge.
  • Then tighten your buttocks and stomach as you go up.
  • After 10 seconds, lower yourself slowly.
  • Do 10 reps.

2. Bridge with leg lift

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but with some variations. It is used to strengthen the back of the thighs and buttocks.

  • Start with a ‘traditional’ bridge, bend your knees and rest your heels on the fitness ball.
  • Then lift your pelvis and extend one leg (as if your toe wants to touch the ceiling).
  • Then hold this position for 5 seconds and lean on the fitness ball.
  • Then do the same with the other leg.
  • Repeat 10 times on each side.

3. Ball squat

People do a ball squat

This squat is used to train the legs, buttocks and back.

  • First, stand up straight against the wall.
  • Then hold the ball in front of you. You can also stretch your arms straight out to improve coordination and balance.
  • Then bend your knees and lower yourself.

Don’t forget to tighten your abs during the exercise. Once you’ve mastered the exercise, the next step is to do this ball squat with a dumbbell in each hand.

4. Belly Extensions

This exercise is used to control and coordinate movements. In addition , you should try to ensure that the ball does not ‘move’.

  • Kneel first with the fitness ball in front of you.
  • Then rest both hands on the fitness ball.
  • Then gently roll the ball forward so that your body is diagonal to the ground.
  • Do this 20 times.

5. Crunches

Woman doing belly extensions

There are many ways to do crunches with a fitness ball. Let’s start with the simplest.

  • First place the fitness ball against a wall so that it does not move.
  • Then lie on your back on the ball.
  • Then spread your legs slightly and let the soles of your feet rest completely on the floor.
  • Then place your hands behind your neck and lift your torso. Do 20 reps.

6. Shelf

Woman does the plank with a fitness ball

If you don’t like crunches, this exercise can easily replace them. It is quite intense and the results are extraordinary.

  • Kneel first with the fitness ball in front of you, but instead of leaning on your hands, place your forearms on the ball.
  • Then straighten your body so that it is diagonal to the ground.
  • Only your toes should touch the ground.
  • Don’t forget to tighten your abs during the exercise.

7. Back Lunges

This is the perfect exercise to strengthen the leg muscles.

  • Stand with your back to the fitness ball and put your right shin and rub on the ball.
  • Your hands should be by your side and your back should be straight.
  • Then bend your left knee and bring your right leg back (use the ball to help you).
  • Then hold this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Do 20 reps, then switch to the other leg.

8. Obliques

This exercise is used to strengthen the lateral muscles of the abdomen and it helps to improve coordination and balance.

  • First, stand close to a wall so you can rest your feet.
  • Then lie on your side on the ball. Your legs should be ‘in the air’.
  • Then place your hands behind your head and lift your torso toward your upper hip.
  • Repeat 10 times on that side and then do the same on the other side.

9. Dumbbell Exercise

Woman doing exercises with dumbbells

This exercise is used to train the deltoid (shoulder) and to improve coordination and balance. In addition to the fitness ball, you need two dumbbells.

  • First, lie on the fitness ball with your chest and stomach.
  • Then bend your legs and rest your knees on the bottom of the ball, with your toes on the floor.
  • Take the dumbbells (one in each hand).
  • Start with both elbows right next to the ball. Then open your arms to align your shoulders with your elbows. So you bring your hands to the side and up.
  • Do 20 reps. 

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