8 Cataract Symptoms And How To Relieve Them

Cataract is an eye condition that is not yet well known. In this article we will discuss the different types, the symptoms and what you can do yourself to reduce the chance of developing this condition.
8 Cataract Symptoms And How To Relieve Them

A cataract patient obviously knows a lot about this ailment. However, for those who have never experienced the symptoms of cataracts or cataracts, the condition can be quite a mystery.

According to some people who have this condition, having cataracts  is like seeing everything through a foggy window that you can never clean.

You have only a vague idea of ​​what’s happening on the other side of that window. It doesn’t sound fun, but luckily, cataracts can be relieved naturally.

We’ll discuss the most common cataract symptoms here, and some natural ways to relieve it.

What is cataract?

What are the symptoms of cataract

Cataract is the increasing clouding of the lens of the eye. This translates into blurred vision that slowly gets worse if left untreated.

It mainly affects people over 40. It is also the leading global cause of progressive blindness.

  • Around the age of 40, the biochemistry of the human body begins to change. The proteins synthesized by eye cells lose their elasticity and harden.
  • The proteins clump together in some parts of the lens of the eye.
  • This causes whitish lumps that show up in your eyes.

It causes a loss of accuracy and visibility at certain distances.

However, these whitish lumps do not appear overnight. Gray cataracts develop slowly as the eye tries to adjust to this whitish blockage.

Different types of cataracts block the light and distort the images the eye perceives at different angles. Therefore, this type of blindness is different for each person who suffers from it.

Types of cataracts

There are three different types of cataracts whose names are directly related to the part of the eye they affect.

Posterior subcapsular cataract

Posterior Subcapsular Cataract and Symptoms of Cataract

This type is difficult to detect at a glance. However, the patient feels its effects very quickly when it develops.

People who have diabetes or take high doses of steroids tend to suffer from this.

Nuclear cataract

Nuclear cataract and cataract symptoms

As the name suggests, this type of cataract occurs in the core of the eye. This is the most common cataract in men and women over the age of 70.

Cortical cataract

Cortical cataract and cataract symptoms

This cataract is most visible to the naked eye. It is a small opaque and white spot in the eyes. It looks like a small spot in the center of the lens.

Symptoms of cataract


There are many symptoms of cataracts, including:

  • Blurred and clouded vision.
  • Hypersensitivity to light or discomfort from contact with bright lights.
  • Difficulty seeing in dim or dark rooms.
  • Blurred view of the light source, such as lamps and candles.
  • Yellowing of colors.
  • Double vision in one eye.
  • Regular changes in prescription lenses power, meaning the cataracts are affecting your vision.
  • Difficulty reading.

However, the symptoms of cataracts can be very similar to symptoms of less serious eye problems, such as nearsightedness and astigmatism.

That’s why you should see your doctor regularly if you start to notice two or more of these symptoms.

How to relieve cataracts naturally

Some doctors claim that these whitish spots cannot be prevented. However, there are several natural treatments that can help to partially reduce or relieve symptoms of this condition.

Natural and non-invasive treatment can be an alternative for patients suffering from this condition. Here are a few ways to help treat them naturally.

Avoid harmful habits

Avoid harmful habits to combat cataract symptoms

Quitting smoking and reducing alcohol consumption will improve the quality of your life. It can be difficult at first, especially due to social pressures.

However, remember that quitting smoking and drinking less will slow down your body’s degeneration. The eyes, like all other body organs, will benefit from healthier habits.

Follow a balanced diet

A Balanced Diet to Slow Cataract Symptoms

A good diet is one of the most important factors in the prevention of degenerative diseases. A balanced diet helps the body stay in balance  and maintain the most effective self-regulation possible.

Self-regulation helps to prolong the good condition of the proteins synthesized by the human body.

At the same time, the antioxidants in foods help to keep the human body healthy. The enzymes of fruits and vegetables contribute to the health of your eyes and other organs.

Always use sun protection


While it may seem unlikely, prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays can contribute to the development of cataracts.

UV rays could play a role in breaking down and oxidizing the proteins and affecting other ocular enzymes. The enzymes then lose their important useful functions.

Always wear sunglasses or wide-brimmed hats to protect yourself from harmful UV rays. By doing this, you help protect the enzymes from breakdown.

Use eye drops

Use eye drops to delay cataract symptoms

Normally we see elderly people using eye drops prescribed by a doctor. However, there are many pharmaceutical companies that offer quality eye drops without a prescription.

Eye drops can help keep your eyes hydrated and healthy. This can prevent the optic nerves from overworking themselves due to insufficient humidification. This can reduce the risk of cataracts.

But not only the elderly suffer from cataracts. Therefore, you should adopt habits that will benefit your health in the long run.

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