8 Amazing Things Raw Potato Juice Can Do For Your Body

Did you know that raw potato juice fights infections, provides energy and strengthens your immune system? All you have to do is drink this twice a day and enjoy all the benefits!

Potatoes are the most eaten bottom vegetable in the world, not only because you can vary a lot with them, but also because they are  a good source of essential nutrients that are very good for your body. Did you also know that raw potato juice is good for your body?

Potatoes are 75% water, but  they also contain starch, antioxidants and a host of other substances that give them remarkable properties.

As for their culinary uses, potatoes are often boiled or used in soup or as mashed potatoes. However, you can also make a raw potato juice from this amazing vegetable,  making it a medicinal drink that allows you to get the maximum power out of it. 

It is already a part of many people’s diets as it is a great way to prevent or treat many types of diseases.

Since many people are ignorant about using raw potatoes,  we would like to share with you 8 of the best uses in this article. 

8 benefits of raw potato juice

1. It has an anti-inflammatory effect

Natural raw potato juice contains  powerful anti-inflammatory properties that provide a natural treatment for muscle and joint pain.

Adding this to your diet  will help balance imbalances in your body’s inflammatory process  and provide pain relief.

2. It Stimulates Your Body’s Detoxification

The antioxidants in raw potato juice are good  for removing waste products that build up in your liver, colon and kidneys.

The fiber, vitamins and essential minerals improve the processes that remove the toxins from your blood.

The juice is  cholesterol-free and stimulates good blood circulation in your body. This is also the key to combating premature aging.

3. It strengthens your immune system

immune system

Raw potato juice is a natural alkaline agent and when absorbed, it regulates blood sugar levels. These properties  maintain your natural body pH and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

It also contains high amounts of vitamin C,  a nutrient that contributes to improving and strengthening your immune system. That means that your chance of inflammation decreases, such as with a cold or the flu.

4. It fights gout

Taking two cups of raw potato juice daily  is a helpful treatment for people who have built up uric acid crystals in their joints. 

The antioxidants stimulate the removal of this substance from your body  and prevent inflammation and pain. 

In addition, it stimulates the cleaning of your kidneys. Consuming raw potato juice  prevents kidney stones and blockages.

5. It fights indigestion

You can find  relief from indigestion and heartburn with a little bit of raw potato juice .

All you need to do is take  a few tablespoons after each meal  to:

  • Relieve the heaviness in your stomach.
  • To reduce the large amount of stomach acid.
  • And to prevent inflammation.

Many people use it as an  alternative treatment for gastritis, flatulence, and stomach ulcers.

6. It Supports Cardiovascular Health

Thanks to its power to improve blood flow and lower cholesterol levels, it is  also very good for your cardiovascular health. 

By consuming this, you reduce inflammation, help your heart do its job and  reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries.

7. It gives you energy

People who take a small amount of raw potato juice daily have better physical and mental ability during the day.

The starch and fiber increase calorie burn and contribute to higher productivity. 

8. It fights dandruff

Applying raw potato juice directly to your scalp is  an effective treatment for reducing fungus and dandruff. 

The anti-bacterial properties inhibit the  growth of fungi and regulate the pH values. In addition, it stimulates a deep cleansing of your scalp. 

At the same time, it gives your hair the nutrients it needs for healthy growth and shine.

How do I make raw potato juice at home?

All you need to make this fresh juice is  two or three ripe potatoes with no sprouts or dark spots. These can be harmful because of their solanine content.


  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)


  • Peel the potatoes first. Then cut them into different pieces and mix this together with the cup of water in the blender.
  • When all the lumps are out, you can divide them into two doses and  drink it in the morning and evening. 
  • You can also use a juicer. You do not have to add water to this.

As you can see, raw potato juice is an  effective solution for many different health problems. Keep this unique juice in mind and give it a try!

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