7 Tips To Reduce Stress When You Get Home

How can you protect yourself from stress? You will have to change some habits. In this article we will give you some tips for this.
7 tips to reduce stress when you get home

Stress is one of the worst threats to your health. Heart complaints, the risk of a heart attack and reduced resistance are possible consequences. How can you protect yourself from that? You will have to change some habits.

When you get home there is always something to do, but first you have to take a moment to stand still. So here are a few simple tips to help you reduce your  stress  when you get home.

Children, the household, cooking… When you get home there are all kinds of tasks that make your working day a lot longer. If you also worry about problems, your stress increases a little bit more every day, until it has become a vicious circle that you can no longer escape.

How about changing a few little things? Would it be a good idea to get started with the following tips to reduce the stress in your life?

Reducing stress when you get home: simple tips

1. Take off your shoes

shoes off

There are people who say that it is not healthy, but when you take off your shoes after coming home, you immediately feel the relaxation and tranquility in your home. Walking barefoot activates many bodily functions:

  • It stimulates your blood circulation
  • Makes your blood vessels stronger
  • Strengthens your nervous system
  • Reduces stress etc.

And that works even better if you walk on grass or sand, for example. It is a relaxing experience that you can have every day by taking off your shoes at home.

2. Awareness

When you get home, it should be clear that the responsibilities of your work have ceased. You should always have the best possible distinction between work and private life.

When you are at home it should be clear that it is your own time and your own life, your real life, where your loved ones are and where the things that are important to you are. You can enjoy that best if you separate things clearly.

3. Go for a walk

walking legs

Half an hour of walking is enough, that’s all you need. For example, go to the park, walk around the block, to:

  • release tension
  • Give your body some exercise
  • Make some endorphins to get rid of the waste
  • Activate your body
  • And calm your mind

It costs nothing and is a great way to reduce stress. And if you do it together with your loved one or a friend, it works even better.

4. Take a nap

sleeping red cat

You really don’t need an hour of sleep. A 15 to 20 minute nap is all it takes to replenish your energy, wake up refreshed and relieve tension. So you don’t even have to fall asleep deeply.

  • Just lie down on the couch for a while.
  • Then put your feet up.
  • Then close your eyes for a few minutes.
  • Then breathe a little slower.

That is enough to put the stress aside and get into a relaxed state.

5. Take a nice bath

bath with leaves

This is one of the most relaxing actions you can think of. Take at least half an hour to take a warm bath (or shower) and let your body enjoy this warmth. It lets you:

  • Nervous system relax
  • Relieves Pain and Inflammation
  • Removes waste

6. Don’t do two things at once

woman performs multiple tasks


Coming home and starting cooking at the same time, keeping an eye on the kids, ironing and checking your diary to see what you have to do tomorrow…

How much can you handle at once when you get home? Try to become aware of this so that you can stay balanced and calm and avoid new stress.

7. Mental fatigue

lily in the water

Relax for ten minutes by thinking about things that concern you. Invest in time for yourself, think about the present and what you want in the future. Be aware of all the positive points you have.

Sometimes stress obstructs your view of the horizon, making everything important to you blurry, until you don’t know what your priorities are anymore. Your health is the most important. So, relax, put a smile on your face and imagine nice things. Not really difficult, right?

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