7 Signs Of Nutritional Deficiency In Your Face

You may think they just come from a lack of personal hygiene, but many of the signs you see on your face — such as dryness or acne — stem from one or more nutritional deficiencies.
7 Signs of Nutritional Deficiencies in Your Face

We often do not consider the consequences of nutritional deficiencies for our body. But most of us are concerned about whether our face looks good or not. It’s not just about making sure there are no spots on the skin, but also about our skin’s exposure to the sun and toxins.

However, sometimes we still have problems. And that despite  all the special beauty products we use. 

These problems may not be serious, but they can be difficult to treat. Often these signs have to do with nutritional deficiencies in our body.

The problem is that  we don’t realize that these signs have a deeper cause than our outward appearance.  We can then try to treat these problems externally, but if the problems are caused by nutritional deficiencies, they will keep coming back.

That’s why we like to talk about 7 signs you’ll see in your face if you have nutritional deficiencies.  Find out what these signs of nutritional deficiency are!

1. Nutritional Deficiency Acne

Acne due to nutritional deficiencies

Acne can appear due to nutritional deficiencies in vitamins A, E and B complex.  There are many hormonal and environmental factors that can play a role in acne, but having nutritional deficiencies can increase your chances of getting acne.

That is why it is essential to avoid oily products if you have acne. Instead, you should opt for products such as:

  • nuts
  • green vegetables
  • Fish and seafood
  • Olive oil
  • Eggs
  • Avocados

2. Dry skin due to nutritional deficiencies

Dry skin can be caused by nutritional deficiencies caused by a poor diet, but it can also be caused by too much sun exposure. These factors then  prevent vitamins and minerals from fulfilling their functions.   Over time, this causes visible imperfections.

A deficiency of vitamins A and C is generally the most common deficiency. So make sure you add certain foods to your diet such as:

  • Roots
  • Citrus fruits
  • blueberries
  • green vegetables
  • Apricots
  • peppers
  • Pumpkin

3. Puffy Eyes From Nutritional Deficiencies

Swollen eyes due to nutritional deficiencies

Bags under the eyes are blemishes often caused by fluid retention and poor circulation. These, in turn, are caused by deficiencies in minerals such as potassium, magnesium and iodine.

Low absorption of these nutrients leads to an inflammatory response which can then be seen on the skin around the eyes. To avoid this, you should eat certain products more often, such as:

  • bananas
  • Seaweed
  • Olive oil
  • Himalayan salt
  • Fatty fish
  • Radish
  • Spinach
  • nuts

4. Pale lips due to nutritional deficiencies

If your lips and gums appear pale, you probably have some form of anemia or iron deficiency anemia.  This nutrient, which plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells,  thus helps to maintain the characteristic red color of your mouth.

To absorb more iron, you should try increasing your intake of products such as:

  • Lean meat
  • Dried beans
  • Spinach
  • Liver
  • nuts
  • peppers
  • Oregano
  • Fish and shellfish

5. Cracked Lips From Nutritional Deficiencies

Cracked lips due to nutritional deficiencies

Most of us suffer from chapped lips at some point. It is a common symptom that occurs when sudden changes in weather conditions occur. But it can also happen when you expose yourself to the sun without using the right protection.

However, if the problem keeps coming back, it could be a symptom that your body has a vitamin B complex deficiency and that there is a lack of fluid in the body. These two factors together help in a healthy situation with optimal cellular regeneration, leaving your lips smooth and moist.

If this is your problem, make an effort to add foods to your diet such as:

  • Citrus fruits
  • nuts
  • Eggs
  • Lean meat
  • Fish
  • legumes
  • Whole grains
  • apples
  • mangoes
  • Avocados

6. Yellowish eyes due to nutritional deficiencies

A yellowish color in the white areas of your eyes is caused by a condition known as jaundice. It is characterized by increased levels of bilirubin in the tissues.

It  can be caused by diseases of the liver or gallbladder, as well as nutritional deficiencies such as:

  • Vitamins (A, B, C, D, E)
  • lecithin
  • Minerals (magnesium, zinc)

To keep it under control, it is therefore best to avoid processed foods. In addition, increase your intake of products such as:

  • Vegetables (artichoke, spinach, kale, bell pepper, radish, tomatoes)
  • Citrus fruits
  • Fruit (grapes, apples, pineapple)
  • Barley
  • Herbs (coriander, basil)

7. Pale Skin Due to Nutritional Deficiencies

Pale skin due to nutritional deficiencies

Pale skin can be caused by an iron or vitamin D deficiency, which is common in people with anemia. Decreased amounts of these substances affect circulation. As a result  , they impede cellular oxygenation and the transport of nutrients to the skin.

To fix this, add certain foods to your diet, such as:

  • Lean meat
  • Fish and shellfish
  • liver oil
  • Fortified breakfast cereals
  • Fortified soy products
  • mushrooms
  • Eggs

Do you see any of these symptoms in your own face? If so, see a doctor and get examined to see if you have a nutritional deficiency. Either way , try eating more of the products recommended above to solve the problem.

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