6 Natural Tips For Manicured Nails

You may only pay attention to the appearance of your nails, but you should really take care of your nails for the sake of your health. So protect them from all possible external damage. Read how to do this in this article!
6 natural tips for well-groomed nails

If you want to take care of your nails naturally, pay attention to the products you use for the hands. Protect the nails against aggressive active elements from the environment and ensure well-kept nails.

You also need to be careful what you eat. After all, your nails reflect your general health. The way they look can be an indication of a deficiency in certain nutrients. When in doubt, it is best to plan a visit to your doctor first.

In today’s article, you’ll find out how to take care of your nails both inside and out. The goal is that they always look beautiful, strong and healthy.

Try these tips for well-groomed nails

1. Opt for non-toxic nail polish

Traditional nail polish sometimes contains ingredients that can be toxic to your health,  such as the toxic toluene.

The labels that list the names of the ingredients are usually very small. That makes it hard to know what’s in your nail polish. But many bottles of nail polish will indicate whether they are organic and whether they contain toxic ingredients.

Avoid synthetic elements. Not only will that be better for your nails, but it will also stop the toxins from reaching your bloodstream and potentially affecting the functioning of certain organs.

Beautiful, manicured nails

2. Wear gloves to protect your nails

Most people have a bad habit of doing their household chores without protecting their hands and nails. 

Whether out of laziness or in a hurry, dishes are usually washed by hand without wearing gloves. This means that your nails are exposed to aggressive cleaning products such as bleach or dishwashing liquid.

So our advice is that you always wear gloves during such activities. Also, often lubricate the nails and hands with a moisturizing cream. Do this especially if you work outside or work with strong products.

3. Rub your hands well with moisturizing cream

It is not enough just to use lotion to moisturize the hands. To take care of your nails, you should use a natural product that contains a lot of oil, such as almond oil. You can apply it every night before going to sleep.

If that’s easier for you, you can wear cotton gloves so you don’t stain the sheets. It will also help the product penetrate better.

Oil for manicured nails

4. Improve your circulation

People with cold hands or who suffer from poor circulation can also soak their hands in a bath. They have to alternate between hot and cold water. It is recommended that they have their hands massaged on a regular basis.

You can use two bowls: one to soak the hands and another to activate circulation.

5. Protect your hands from the sun and the cold

To take care of your nails, make it a habit to use sunscreen whenever they are exposed to the sun’s rays and especially during the hours of the most intense sunlight.

You should also protect yourself from the cold and wind by wearing gloves.

Protect hands from the cold

6. Some beneficial supplements for manicured nails

What do you do if you have fragile and weak nails? You can try some natural supplements that are beneficial for the nails, as well as for the skin and hair. Here are some of the most effective:

  • Brewer’s yeast or nutritional yeast
  • Liquid Organic Silicone
  • linen oil
  • Biotin

But before you start taking any of these supplements for manicured nails, we also recommend that you consult with a doctor or specialist.

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