6 Keys For Finding Your Soulmate

Before you find your soulmate, you must first find yourself. You must know and love yourself in order to connect with the one who enriches your life.
6 keys to finding your soulmate

Finding your soul mate is not magic,  nor is it a matter of waiting for fate to throw the right opportunity in your lap.

Finding the right person, with whom all emotional, psychological and even spiritual aspects are in harmony, does not happen by itself. It requires first of all that we have our inner self in order.

It is impossible to find an emotional partner who will embrace our lifestyle, values ​​and principles if we have not first determined  what we want, who we are and what defines us. 

As you may have heard it said, ‘we are attracted to ourselves’. For this reason, it is important first of all that we are magical to ourselves. We need to be mature, confident and valued, and be able to give the best of ourselves in an authentic way.

If you work on the points below, finding a soul mate can be easier than you think. We are confident that they will be helpful and inspiring to you.

1. Keep your priorities clear

How do you find your soul mate?

Many of us have gone through several chapters of our lives. Our baggage is full of emotional stories, good times, even some love stories.

But have you really learned from these experiences? Everything you have experienced in the past should be regarded as a life lesson. Only in this way can you get to know yourself better and clarify what you want and what you don’t.

We must have our priorities in order to see clearly both our living conditions and the people who cross our path. It does us no good to make the same mistakes or repeat yesterday’s misguided patterns.

2. Enjoy your journey, your life and yourself

Don’t get obsessed with the search for your soulmate: let your soulmate find you. Let love bump into you, and in the meantime enjoy life, yourself and what’s around you.

Sometimes we are so preoccupied with our goals that we forget something essential. It is important to slow down, enjoy the moment and  marvel in the here and now. This is where wonderful things and extraordinary coincidences happen.

The people who can enjoy their journey and fully love themselves will find out how much this life is worth. At the same time, they become much more receptive to their environment.

3. Be emotionally mature

Don’t look for someone to take away your loneliness, heal your old wounds, or fill the gap from a previous relationship.

Also do not seek the impossible and do not feed your expectations of romantic love:  look for mature love, for a courageous relationship.

  • It is very helpful for you to have clear priorities about what you do and do not want to experience or undergo again.
  • However, it is also essential to be emotionally mature if you want to find your soul mate.

Are you looking for someone who is responsible, empathetic, and trusted? Someone who knows how to listen, share without depending and love without controlling? Then remember the following:  start practicing these qualities yourself. 

4. Find your own soul before you find your soulmate

Finding your own soul before looking for your soulmate

How do you find your own soul? If we look beyond the metaphor, we see an indisputable fact:  no one can give something to someone else without first knowing themselves.

On the contrary, if we don’t know who we are, what’s bothering us, what hurts, or what our real needs are, it’s easy to become dependent on the other person.

We should never underestimate the importance of self-knowledge. We need to know where our limits are, what our values ​​are  and what our strengths and weaknesses are.

5. Listen to your intuition

Intuition is said to be the voice of our hearts, but in reality it is much more than that.

Your intuition, like your gut feeling, is a reflection of your subconscious.

In your subconscious you find your true nature, your memories, and your personality. In addition, there is everything needed to provide a quick answer on the spot.

So, when you come face to face with that special someone, your intuition will let you know. Have faith and learn to listen to your sixth sense.

6. Grow towards your ‘soul mate’ and be receptive

Can someone really be our soul mate? Is it okay to believe this?

There is nothing wrong with this belief, as long as we keep a few things in mind:

  • Our soul mate is not someone who shares all our interests. A soul mate is not a ‘copy’ of a person, nor a significant other.
  • A soulmate is someone we feel connected to… and there is nothing more magical than this connection.
  • Connection means that, despite the differences, we understand and enrich each other.
  • It means we are ‘one’, formed of ‘two’ parts. We always maintain our own individuality but are on the same journey.  We are working on the same project, as it were.
Grow to your soul mate

Finally, we look beyond the romanticism and symbolism of the word ‘soulmate’. There is a range of emotional and psychological processes that clearly indicate what most are looking for in the perfect partner.

It is the person with whom we always walk hand in hand on our life path. The one we know we are loved by. It is the person  we trust as much as ourselves.

Featured Image Courtesy of © wikiHow.com 

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