6 Important Reasons To Eat Bananas Daily

Bananas are low in calories and are a great fruit to promote weight loss, in addition to their many health benefits. Learn more in this article!
6 important reasons to eat bananas every day

Everyone loves a banana. They are delicious and you can combine them with an endless list of foods, such as honey, cinnamon, grains and nuts.

Bananas are also a favorite food of athletes. Just a single bite can release a great source of energy to counteract fatigue or temporary loss of energy.

Some people mistakenly believe that eating this fruit every day will make them gain weight. But that is certainly not true.

The facts

You should therefore look at the facts from an objective point of view: a banana a day, especially in the morning, will not make you gain a few kilos.  The key, as always, is balance and being aware of the fact that good food contributes to a healthy life.

Bananas are good for you. In this article, we’ll give you six good reasons that will convince you to eat them seven days a week.

1. Bananas are one of the most nutritious fruits

Bananas are very nutritious. This makes them a good food for breakfast, the ideal time to start your day with maximum energy.

Look at all the nutrients a single banana contains:

  • High fiber content
  • Lots of antioxidants
  • Minerals (potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese)
  • Vitamins (B6 and C)
  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein

You should keep in mind that bananas contain a lot of water and little fat.

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2. Bananas regulate your blood sugar levels


Bananas are rich in a component called pectin, a soluble fiber that helps regulate your blood sugar levels after you eat.  This allows you  to control your appetite and slow down the emptying of your stomach.

Choosing less ripe bananas (but not when they are completely green) will help regulate your glycemic index.  This will help you avoid those sugar spikes that other sweeter fruits sometimes cause. If you have diabetes, it is better to avoid ripe bananas.

3. A banana a day improves your digestion

One thing we’re sure you’ll want to know is that a medium-sized banana contains two types of fiber: pectin and starch (as mentioned earlier).  These two components improve your digestion in a great way.

Starch, for example, “escapes” the pathway of your digestive system to go directly to your large intestine, where it acts as food for healthy gut bacteria. A strong and healthy intestinal flora equals good health: you absorb nutrients better and prevent blockages.

Pectin also helps protect and maintain the health of your gut.

4. Yes, bananas take care of your heart

Pieces of Banana

Potassium is an essential mineral when it comes to heart health, especially for regulating and balancing your blood pressure.

If you get used to eating a banana a day, you’ll keep your potassium levels up. Potassium is  an essential mineral when it comes to your cardiovascular wellness.

It’s worth keeping in mind!

5. Do you want to lose weight? Then eat a banana in the morning!

Bananas have several properties that make them good allies when you want to boost weight loss.

This is why:

  • First of all, bananas are very low in calories.
  • They give a feeling of fullness and are nutritious. Simply add them to your breakfast with some protein, nuts and a cup of coffee or tea – only to find that you feel ‘full’ and have enough energy throughout the morning.
  • They are also rich in fiber, which ensures your digestive health and helps prevent constipation.

Another interesting fact that you want to know is that weight loss diets often contain a lot of green bananas.

Try eating them for ten days and see what the effects are for you.

6. When you exercise, always carry a banana in your bag

To play sports

Bananas are the perfect fruit for athletes. Why? This is partly  due to their mineral and carbohydrate content, which makes them easy to digest.

Another interesting fact is that eating bananas regularly can also help prevent muscle cramps related to exercise. If you’re not an athlete but suffer from regular nighttime muscle cramps, don’t hesitate to add a banana to your evening meal (one that isn’t too ripe) and you’ll avoid the cramps later on.

A banana for the nutrients

In addition, bananas provide  many nutrients before, during and after exercise, especially if you do weight training.

So remember to always take a banana with you when you go for a run or go to the gym!

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It is always important to remember that some people have a low tolerance for bananas. If you think consuming a banana a day is too much for you, try including this fruit in your breakfast at least three times a week.

Your health will improve!

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