5 Products To Avoid Putting On Your Face

Everyone wants to take good care of their skin, but there are products that you should not put on it. This skin is very sensitive.
5 products to avoid putting on your face

Your skin is the largest organ you have. It is constantly exposed to factors that can affect health, especially the skin of your face.

The climate, diet, hydration, lifestyle and beauty products you use are factors that influence the condition of your skin, depending on the care you give it, both positively and negatively.

The most sensitive parts of your skin are on your face and neck. These sensitive areas have a higher risk of certain skin related problems. In general, we are introducing more products in these areas.

Many dermatologists and cosmetologists suggest that some products can damage your skin. They can cause a bad reaction. This can dry out your skin and increase your risk of acne and other skin problems.

Products you should not use on your face

Below we will list 5 products that you should not apply to your face if you want to look beautiful.


Many beauty tricks recommend using vinegar for problems such as acne or fungus. However, we do not recommend applying this to your face. The acetic acid in vinegar can damage this area. This is especially true if you have sensitive skin, open wounds, cuts, or burns.

Applying vinegar directly to your face can dry out your skin. Do you still want to use this product on your skin? Then we recommend diluting it with an equal amount of water. If you have a burning sensation during application, it is best to stop immediately.

It is better not to apply apple cider vinegar to your face

vegetable butter

David Colbert, an aesthetic dermatologist in New York, states that applying vegetable butter to your skin can have negative effects. It is not good at all for taking care of your skin. It is true that many skin beauty products do use vegetable butter as an ingredient to nourish and hydrate them.

However, this specialist claims that vegetable butter is too heavy for the skin on your face. It blocks the pores and thus can increase the chance of acne.

Hairspray and shampoo

It is better not to apply hairspray to your hair

An old trick that seems to keep makeup in place is applying hairspray to your face. However, this can dry out your skin. These products contain a large amount of lacquer and alcohol, which is not good for your skin.

The same thing happens to people who use shampoo to clean their face. These products contain chemical ingredients that are not good for your skin. As a result, they can cause irritation and dryness.

Creams with retinol

Retinol is promoted as an active ingredient against acne and aging. However, its use is not recommended if you have sensitive skin. It is too strong for the skin. It makes your skin thinner and even more sensitive. In some cases, this product has also been proven to cause redness of the skin and even a rash.

Pure Vitamin E

It is true that vitamin E is good for your body. Many cosmetic companies even use it in their products. However, you should avoid applying it directly to your face. It could block your pores and cause acne breakouts as a result.

There have also been instances where a burning sensation, swelling and/or redness was caused when this product was applied to the skin.


  • Remember that not all skin types react in the same way when you use different products. That is why it is good when you are going to use a product for your skin (it does not matter which product) to read the recommendations carefully first. Or just apply a small amount to your skin to see if any negative reactions appear.
  • Before you buy a new product, first check that it does not contain alcohol. Or a compound that can affect your skin, such as retinol.
  • There are different skin types. It is therefore important to identify which one you have. We recommend contacting a dermatologist so that he or she can advise you on the products that are right for your specific skin type.
  • There are many natural ingredients that hydrate and care for your skin in a healthy and effective way. Want to avoid chemical and expensive creams sold in stores? Natural products are then a good option for skin care. With natural beauty treatments, it is also important to read carefully and test them well in advance, so that you are sure that they have no negative effects on your skin.

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