5 Common Symptoms Of Fluid Retention

Did you know that experiencing acute fatigue and a feeling of laziness, as well as swollen limbs, can be related to fluid retention?
5 Common Symptoms of Fluid Retention

Fluid retention is one of those conditions that affects our society most today. When you have this condition, your body abnormally retains fluid in the tissues under your skin or in other parts of your body. But how do you know if it bothers you? What are the symptoms of fluid retention?

Fluid retention most often occurs in the lower extremities. But it can also affect your hands, arms, face and stomach.

While not classified as a disease, it does act as a warning sign of other more serious conditions. These can include circulatory problems, obstructions in the lymphatic system, and hormonal imbalances.

Although it sometimes goes unnoticed, it almost always triggers a series of reactions in the body. This is mainly due to the lack of control in the inflammatory processes.

For that reason, and to avoid complications, it is important to understand how this condition develops and what you can do to control it.

Below we therefore share what the main symptoms of fluid retention are and we give several tips to prevent this problem.

Symptoms of Fluid Retention We Shouldn’t Ignore

Mild cases of fluid retention usually go unnoticed or are mistaken for minor weight gain.

However, when it becomes more severe, it causes a series of symptoms that can make it difficult to perform daily tasks normally.

1. Swelling in limbs

Woman with swollen limbs

Marked swelling in the lower and upper extremities may be enough to indicate problems such as fluid retention.

The limbs will appear larger than normal. In addition, you may suffer from circulatory problems. This is because the excess fluid puts pressure on the vascular valves.

Other parts of the body where you may experience swelling include:

  • Belly
  • Chest
  • Sight

2. Feeling of laziness

It is normal to experience a strong feeling of laziness in your body due to this condition. This is especially noticeable when doing physical activities.

The abnormal accumulation of fluid causes you to gain a little weight. And this in turn negatively affects the health of your muscles, lymphatic system and circulation.

3. Cellulite

Woman with cellulite

There are many factors that can influence the appearance of cellulite on the buttocks and legs. However, when caused by fluid retention, it can be more apparent and more difficult to treat.

While there are plenty of topical treatments to reduce cellulite, it is very important to treat the build-up of fluid to see improvement.

4. Fatigue and General Discomfort

Because of the circulatory effects of fluid retention, this problem often involves physical fatigue and general discomfort.

The lack of control disrupts oxygen transport and the transport of nutrients to body cells. This negatively affects your physical and mental performance.

5. Needing to urinate less often

girl sitting on the toilet

Because the kidneys cannot process the fluid in the body correctly, you will subsequently have to urinate less often. Unfortunately, this also increases the risk of infections in the urinary system.

How can you prevent fluid retention?

There are many habits and remedies that can help you prevent and treat this problem. Fortunately, while there are plenty of factors that can trigger its appearance, improving your lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of fluid retention.

Try to consume less salt

Excessive salt consumption causes imbalances in the body that can eventually lead to fluid retention.

That is why it is important to limit your consumption of it. In addition to avoiding the use of table salt, try to consume things like:

  • Sausage
  • Canned food
  • Cheese
  • Packaged Foods
  • Carbonated drinks

drink more water

Woman with a glass in her hands

Not drinking enough healthy drinks and water is one of the main causes of fluid retention. Drinking water regulates blood circulation and optimizes kidney function by removing waste products from the body.

Consume diuretic foods

There is a wide variety of diuretic foods that can help remove excess fluid from the body.

The most recommended are:

  • Pineapple
  • Artichoke
  • beets
  • asparagus
  • Watermelon
  • Melon
  • Ponytail
  • Ginger

Avoid wearing tight clothes

Woman wriggling herself into too tight pants

Clothes that are too tight impede blood circulation and can cause edema, varicose veins and other problems.


Living a sedentary lifestyle, or sitting or standing in one position for too long, can lead to inflammatory imbalances in the body. In addition, it can cause circulatory problems and fluid retention.

Regular exercise, at least twenty to thirty minutes a day,  activates the blood circulation. In addition, it improves the oxygen supply to body cells. In addition, it supports the processes that help to keep the body clean and balanced.

Do you suffer from fluid retention symptoms? Then start by changing some of your habits and take the necessary measures to control this problem.

However, if the problem persists or worsens, see your doctor. 

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