5 Beet Recipes To Improve Your Health

Did you know that there are many healthy recipes with beets that you can use to improve your health? The beet is not only used to make salads and soups – this vegetable can also easily be used in several other dishes.
5 beet recipes to improve your health

The beet belongs to the quenopodiaceae family, which consists of about 1400 species of plants. Most of these plants are quite herbaceous and are found in coastal areas and areas with a temperate climate. The beet is native to Europe. Do you want to try to improve your health? Then make use of the beet!

The beet is a plant that has a deep red, fleshy root. The root can be eaten raw or cooked, although its properties are better preserved if the root is eaten raw. If you choose to cook the root, it’s best to leave the skin on while cooking and then remove it. Beets are especially ideal for making salads and juices.

The root can be a reddish to purple color. However, the leaves of this plant are also edible and have a taste very similar to spinach.

The bright color of the beetroot is usually used to decorate other foods, such as ice cream, smoothies, soups and even certain alcoholic drinks. The red color is very attractive and stimulates the appetite.

The many benefits of beets

  • Beets contain compounds that induce nitric oxide in the stomach and thus can lower blood pressure.
  • They also contain high amounts of folate and folic acid, which help prevent child birth defects and heart disease.
  • They contain large amounts of fiber, both soluble and insoluble.
  • Beets are very low in calories as they are mainly made up of water and carbohydrates.
  • They have a natural laxative effect and help prevent constipation.
  • The beet is considered an excellent diuretic, thanks to its high potassium content.
  • Finally, beets are low in sodium, which can help clear fluids from the body.

Beet recipes to improve your health

1. Against high blood pressure

Man having his blood pressure measured

Beets are high in antioxidants that help improve circulation and overall health. One of the best recipes you can prepare to take advantage of this benefit is the following:


  • 3 medium beets
  • 1 cup of mineral water (125 ml)


  • Wash the beets thoroughly. Then cut them into small pieces and put them in the blender. Pour the mineral water over it and mix the ingredients together until you have a smooth juice. Drink this juice right away. Enjoy it!

2. Against anemia

This vegetable is an excellent source of vitamin C, iron and folic acid. All of these foods help to strengthen your immune system.


  • 1 medium beetroot
  • 1 carrot
  • ½ red bell pepper (50 g)
  • 1 large tomato
  • 1 cup water (125 ml)


  • The first thing to do is wash all ingredients thoroughly. Then cut them into small pieces. Then put all the ingredients together in the blender and mix them together for one minute. Then drink the drink right away.

3. Against Allergic Rhinitis

Man who has a nose exam done

In addition to beets, this popular remedy also contains eucalyptus leaves. It is a good remedy for allergic rhinitis because it contains betaine. This nutrient helps to protect body cells, enzymes and proteins. When you drink it, it also has an expectorant effect.


  • 1 beet
  • 5 eucalyptus leaves (10 g)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


  • First, cut the beetroot into smaller pieces and finely chop the eucalyptus leaves.
  • In a small saucepan, bring the water to a boil, then add the beetroot, followed by the eucalyptus leaves. Then let it simmer together.
  • Then remove the pan from the heat and hang over your head with a towel, so that you can better inhale the steam. Be careful not to burn yourself! It’s a good idea to repeat this procedure once a week before going to bed.

4. To Eliminate Toxins

The combination of antioxidants and fiber helps your body get rid of toxins better. It also improves circulation in your lymphatic system.


  • 1 beet
  • 1 stalk celery (55 g)
  • ½ apple (75 g)
  • 1 cup water (125 ml)


  • First wash all ingredients thoroughly. Then cut the apple, celery and beetroot into smaller pieces. Then put everything together in the blender and process the ingredients until you have a homogeneous mixture. You can drink this drink at least ten minutes before any meal.

5. As a cough syrup

Improve your health with beets

Beets and honey are the perfect combination to make a delicious cough syrup to improve your health. In addition to the well-known antibacterial properties, honey also has an expectorant effect. The beets also help to provide your body with oxygen and to purify your blood.


  • 1 beet
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (30 g)


  • To start, cut the beetroot in half. Then carve a small notch in the center of each half. Then divide the honey between the two notches. Then put the beets in the oven for ten minutes to roast them until they are soft. Don’t forget to let them cool down before eating them. You will see that your cough will immediately decrease. 

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