3 Herbal Treatments For Hair Loss

To strengthen your hair, you can use herbal treatments that complement your normal hair care routine. Remember that you also need a balanced daily diet that provides your body with all the nutrients and vitamins it needs to promote healthy hair growth.
3 herbal treatments for hair loss

Everyone experiences at least some hair loss, which is completely natural. But sometimes we can be shocked to see that an excess of our hair is falling out, whether it is the result of a change in the climate, a result of stress or experiencing hormonal changes. What can you do about hair loss?

Good nutrition is always essential – especially getting minerals like iron and zinc. In addition, the herbal treatments in this article can really help fight hair loss. Read on to find out more!

The best herbs to fight hair loss

For example, every now and then you may be a little deficient in iron. This is a common cause of hair loss. Other times it can be caused by changes in metabolism, diseases or conditions such as hypothyroidism, heredity or even just the passage of time.

All these factors make it difficult to maintain a thick head of beautiful hair and you should consider all these possibilities when looking for a solution.

But can herbal treatments really help? Naturally, we are here to present them as a supplement. They can be helpful, but they aren’t capable of making your hair fuller all by itself.

However, herbal treatments do stimulate and nourish the hair follicles. They can also treat and repair the hair and thus provide many benefits. It’s worth it, so look closely at the following recipes.

1. Rosemary-and-nettle cream


This treatment is simply amazing. It is a classic remedy used to limit hair loss in older men. Nettle root blocks the production of the hormone known as DHT, which is responsible for male pattern baldness.

How can you prepare this cream? It’s very simple.

  • All you need to do is collect some nettle roots and two sprigs of rosemary.
  • Boil them in two cups of water.
  • Once you have prepared this infusion, let it cool.
  • Then apply the liquid to wet hair using a gentle massage before rinsing with warm water.

2. Horsetail and Geranium Treatment

Washing hair

Does this combination surprise you? It’s really very helpful. Its effectiveness is mainly due to the fact that horsetail contains cysteine, selenium and silica, all of which strengthen the hair and promote growth. In combination with geranium, it nourishes the hair follicles and produces new hairs.

To use this, all you need to do is:

  • Boil a liter of water and add 7 tablespoons of dried horsetail with 5 geranium leaves. It’s that easy.
  • Allow the mixture to cool before applying to damp hair.
  • Use a vigorous massage and do not rinse.

Also, don’t use a hair dryer, let it dry on its own. If you do this three times a week, you will start to see results.

3. Apple cider vinegar and sage tea

apple cider vinegar

This is the third herbal treatment you must try. Apple cider vinegar contains sulfur, which is an essential part of healthy hair. Combined with the power of sage, it nourishes the scalp and stimulates the growth of new hair.

You just need:

  • Make a tea of ​​three tablespoons of dried sage with two cups of boiling water.
  • Let it steep and then add half a cup of apple cider vinegar.
  • Massage this mixture into damp hair and rinse with warm water.
  • Then wash it in the normal way.

And don’t worry, your hair won’t smell like vinegar. On the contrary, it will make your hair shine and it will look much more beautiful. Shall we try?

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