3 Carrot Home Remedies For Diarrhea

Do you suffer from diarrhea? Do you often have that? If so, don’t miss this article of 3 Root Remedies to Treat Diarrhea.
3 carrot home remedies for diarrhea

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and you should eat them regularly. However, not many people know that carrots can also help treat diarrhea. In this article we show you 3 home remedies of carrot against diarrhea that can reduce the symptoms and make you feel a lot better.

One of the reasons carrot home remedies can help with diarrhea is because they have an astringent effect. Research shows that this trait can help you feel better if you suffer from this problem (Spanish link).

This is why carrots are a great and natural option for both children and adults to deal with diarrhea. Below we show you some options on how to use carrots if you have this problem.

Home remedies from carrots for diarrhea

A man with a stomachache

Diarrhea is one of the most common intestinal disorders (Spanish link). It often causes painful abdominal cramps and a continuous feeling of having to go to the toilet. That can also mean that it affects you if you have to go to work or attend an event.

We show you 3 carrot astringent home remedies that can help reduce diarrhea. It will also help you feel much better as soon as possible. Any home remedy will help you adapt to the unpleasant circumstances.

1. Raw carrot

Raw carrots are a great remedy to treat diarrhea. This is especially true if you have to go to work or away from home. You can transport carrots in a bag or container without any problems. Keep the following tips in mind:

  • Peel the carrots beforehand. That way, you don’t have to do it when you’re on the road or at work.
  • Cut them into bite-sized strips. This is the easiest way to eat carrots outdoors.
  • If you eat out, you can take a bowl with some salad and raw carrots.
  • Other foods that also have an astringent effect include boiled rice and steamed chicken. Do not hesitate to eat these products with your carrots.

2. Carrot soup

A bowl of carrot soup

Eating carrot soup is a great way to fight diarrhea. This way you can enjoy a nice warm dish in case of diarrhea that also feels good for your stomach. Let’s take a look at a suitable recipe to prepare the carrots as a delicious soup.


  • 8 winter carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 4 cups broth
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • chives


  • First put a pan on the stove and add some olive oil.
  • Add the chopped onions and garlic to the pan and stir-fry for a while.
  • Then add the sliced ​​carrots.
  • Let it cook for 10 minutes before adding the stock.
  • Let it cook for 20 minutes with the lid on the pan.
  • Then remove the garlic (if you like) and mix everything with the immersion blender.
  • Finally, add the chives and eat while it is still steaming hot.

3. Carrot juice

If it’s the middle of summer and you don’t feel like eating something hot, you can make juice instead. To make carrot juice, all you need is a blender where you can mix 5 chopped carrots and 2 cups of water.

  • You can also add a little honey if you like. That way the juice becomes sweeter and richer.
  • You can also add a little more water if you want the juice to be thinner.
  • You can also add fruit to the juice, such as apples. They also contain astringent properties.

Final recommendations to consider

It is important to try these home remedies of carrot for diarrhea before turning to other options, such as medicines or less natural alternatives. However, if the diarrhea does not improve or you also have other complaints, consult your doctor.

Also remember that diarrhea dehydrates your body. Therefore, in addition to the above-mentioned home remedies of carrot for diarrhea, it is important to always have a bottle of water on hand. If this condition persists for more than two or three days, you should see your doctor.

Have you ever used carrots to treat diarrhea? Did you know they have astringent properties? In this article, we also showed you some other foods that also contain these properties. The next time you have diarrhea, you can use this knowledge to your advantage!

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