14 Ways To Detox Your Liver From Heavy Metals

Tap water in some countries is polluted by the metal pipes through which it flows and therefore contains a lot of lead. When we drink this water, our body is able to absorb all this lead.
14 ways to detox your liver from heavy metals

Heavy metals:  why is it important to remove these metals from our body? Because they are toxins, harmful elements that can affect our body cells and then make us sick. However, these metals usually build up in the liver and can therefore cause serious health problems in the long run.

That’s why it’s important to know how to properly detoxify your liver to eliminate these heavy metals, heavy metals that can damage not only our liver, but also our brain, kidneys, gut and immune system. So why not start right away and put the tips below into practice today?

Why is it important to remove heavy metals from your body?

To drink water

You should know that you can divide heavy metals into two types. One kind comes from certain medicines. But beware: these harmful elements are also often found in products such as alcohol and tobacco. We also know that drinking and smoking are habits that we should avoid anyway for the sake of our health.

The other kind we mainly ingest through the food we consume and the polluted air we breathe. Sometimes only working in the chemical industry or in a place where heavy metals are used can already cause our health to suffer.

If we don’t get rid of these toxins that build up in our body properly, sooner or later we will suffer from it. And do you know where these heavy metals mainly accumulate in our body? In the lymphatic system, especially in the liver. That is a major health risk.

Which types of heavy metals usually accumulate in our body?

Polluted air

We are sure this will amaze you. Sometimes, regardless of our efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we still ingest toxins in certain everyday ways. Urban pollution, the water we drink or the chemicals in our food are usually the sources that make us sick. Below we provide you with a list of these possible sources:

  • Arsenic: this substance is the most harmful to your body. Do you know what it is often in? In tap water. The problem arises when pesticides and natural filtration are used. This is a serious problem, but fortunately this is not the case in all countries. We come into contact with the other sources of pollution when we work in an environment where this substance is present.
  • Lead: We usually get lead through water pipes and through the pesticides that are in our food, such as in vegetables.
  • Mercury: do you know how we ingest mercury? By eating contaminated fish and seafood.
  • Cadmium: Often fertilizers used in agriculture contain cadmium. As a result, we consume this substance daily without realizing it by eating fruits and vegetables that contain this heavy metal.

However, don’t worry too much, as fruits and vegetables usually contain only small amounts of cadmium. These amounts can only be harmful in the long run. That is why it is important to know how to detoxify your body.

Try these remedies that can help your liver get rid of heavy metals

green smoothie

1. Start every day by consuming some garlic on an empty stomach. Simply cut a peeled and washed garlic clove into three pieces and eat it together with a glass of water. Don’t worry about the strong smell though. You can wash these away later by drinking some lemon juice.

You can also choose to chew on some xylitol gum to combat the smell of the garlic on your breath. Starting the day by eating a little garlic on an empty stomach is an excellent way to eliminate heavy metals from your liver.

2. Dandelion: Why not make a healthy tea or infusion after your lunch? This is one of the best plants to detox your body.

3. Artichoke water:  You should use this remedy twice a week. To make it, boil two artichokes in one liter of water. When the artichokes are soft, remove them from the water. You then drink the water that remains during the day as an infusion. It’s really great! A tip: adding some lemon juice to the water will provide even more benefits.

4. Chlorella:  This is a really great way to cleanse your body from heavy metals. Where can you find it? Chlorella is usually available at health food stores.

5. Chlorophyll:  Chlorophyll can be easily found at most health food stores. It is an excellent natural source to care for the liver, detoxify the liver and strengthen the immune system.

6. Coriander: Make sure you always add a few leaves of coriander to your salads or soup starting today. Why? Because coriander can help take care of our immune system and remove mercury, aluminum and lead from our bodies.

Haven’t found a good remedy yet? Here are some alternatives:

7. Grapefruit and Orange Juice:  This is a great combination of vitamin C that helps us detoxify our bodies from the inside out. You can drink this juice every morning. You will surely love it.

8. Oatmeal: Another great breakfast choice. Oatmeal is rich in zinc and selenium, two minerals that help care for our immune system and remove heavy metals.

9. Brown rice:  Brown rice is also a grain that is rich in zinc and is therefore good for our health. In addition, brown rice is very tasty and an excellent means of detoxifying the body.

10. Peaches:  This juicy, flavorful and tantalizing fruit is truly a natural treasure trove of vitamins and minerals, perfect for eliminating heavy metals.

11. Broccoli:  You should know that broccoli is one of the best vegetables for detoxifying the liver. However, it is important to only buy organic broccoli, broccoli that has been grown without the use of pesticides.

12. Raw Spinach:  Spinach is very rich in chlorophyll. If you eat this healthy leafy green vegetable raw, you will benefit even more from the many healthy properties that spinach has.

13. Brazil Nuts:  These nuts are really delicious! In addition, they are rich in zinc and selenium, minerals that are both ideal for eliminating heavy metals.

14. Onions: Have you eaten an onion today? Did you add some onion to your salad? Keep in mind that onions are rich in sulfur, a great tool to neutralize heavy metals like aluminum.

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