13 Tips To Keep Your Bathroom Clean And Tidy

If you want to keep your bathroom clean and organize your products and find them easier, you can use different baskets and boxes to store your things.
13 tips to keep your bathroom clean and tidy

If you want to keep your bathroom clean and keep your products organized and easier to find, you can use different baskets and boxes to store your things.

The bathroom is one of those rooms in the house that you have to take good care of because of hygiene and beauty. No matter how small or big he is, there are a number of  cleaning routines that you should practice every day  to disinfect him and keep him in good condition.

Most people use aggressive products for this, but they are not aware that there are organic products that are just as effective or even more effective.

Sometimes things get even more complicated when you’re trying to organize your bathroom without knowing how to make the most of every inch of it. Because we know this isn’t always easy, we’ll share thirteen tips to help you organize and keep your bathroom looking clean. Pay attention!

13 tips to keep your bathroom clean and tidy

1. Use storage systems


If you have limited space to organize small things in the bathroom, you  can stick a few containers on the door of your medicine cabinet  and store your things in them.

2. Make a towel rack


If you don’t have a cupboard or shelf to store your towels, you can make a nice towel rack out of cans and decorative foil.

3. Hang a towel rack on the door

Towel rack

Use the back of the door to hang a practical towel rail. This will then ensure  that you have more space and everything will look better.

4. Use jars to make a storage system


Another great idea for organizing small things is to attach some glass jars to a wooden shelf and hang it on the wall. This will give your bathroom a different look while keeping things beautiful.

5. Hidden Shelf

Hidden Shelf

You can measure the door of the bathroom cabinet to make a  handy hidden shelf.

6. Use a wine rack

Towel rack

If you have an old wine rack to spare, you can clean it and put it in your bathroom to store small, clean towels.

7. Storage place for perfume and accessories


If you keep your perfume and accessories in your bathroom, you can keep them together nicely by creating a storage system from plates and cups.

8. Storing curling irons

Curling Iron Storage

Tape some PVC pipes to your bathroom cabinet door,  then use them to store curling irons, blow dryers, and straighteners that you use for your hair.

9. Use baskets


The advantage of using baskets in the bathroom is that they are decorative and that you can store everything in them. You can attach them to the wall or turn them into a shelf, for example under the sink.

10. Disinfect the toilet


You should clean the toilet every day  to reduce the presence of bacteria and dirt that collects. To avoid using bleach and other chemical cleaning agents, you can make your own product with baking soda.


  • 30 grams of baking soda
  • 60 ml ammonia
  • 500ml hot water


  • First, mix all the ingredients in a bowl and sprinkle it over the toilet.
  • After that, clean it with a brush and wipe it with a cloth.
  • You can also use this solution to remove mold from the walls and tub.

11. Remove Mold From Shower Curtain

shower curtain

Mold is not only annoying, but it also smells nasty and can cause breathing problems.  To prevent it from spreading on your shower curtain, you can use this remedy:


  • 125 ml white vinegar
  • 500ml water
  • The juice of two lemons


  • First mix the white vinegar with the water and add the lemon juice.
  • Then spray the liquid on your shower curtain and clean it with a brush.
  • Then remove all dirt and dry in a well-ventilated area.

12. Make the tap shine

Tap Cleaning

The faucets of the shower and sink will look dull after storing all that moisture, chemical residue and lime.

To keep them  looking like new and destroy the bacteria,  use hydrogen peroxide.


  • 60 ml hydrogen peroxide
  • 60ml water
  • A spray bottle


  • First, mix the hydrogen peroxide with the water and pour it into the spray bottle.
  • Then spray the product on the taps and clean them with a cloth.

13. Clean the tiles

Joints Cleaning

Dirt and mold on bathroom tiles can be removed by using white vinegar. This makes the tiles spotlessly clean and prevents unpleasant odours.


  • 125 ml white vinegar
  • A clean cloth


  • First wet the cloth with the white vinegar and scrub the tiles well.
  • If you see that they are too dirty, you can use a brush.

As you can see,  you don’t have to spend a lot to get a clean and tidier bathroom.  Just use your creativity and the things you have lying around at home.

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