11 Ways To Fight The Smell Of Sweaty Feet

When your feet have a bad smell and sweat a lot, you want a good solution as soon as possible. Keep reading to find one!
11 ways to fight the smell of sweaty feet

Would you like to combat the smell of sweaty feet?

The problem of sweaty feet is scientifically known as  hyperhidrosis. It is a condition that can affect any person. It doesn’t matter what gender you are or how old you are.

In addition to maintaining proper hygiene, to get rid of sweaty feet odor, you can try a few different remedies to combat the bacteria that cause this odor.

sweaty feet

The smell of sweaty feet does not necessarily have to do with poor hygiene. In reality, this could be due to a problem with the apocrine glands, which can be found in the:

  • Chest
  • Armpits
  • Genitals
  • Feet

This does not mean that these areas sweat more than other parts of the body. But the separation is different. When fatty acid and ammonia separate, it produces a terrible odor.

Although hyperhidrosis is genetic, it sometimes develops from other conditions or diseases. This can happen, for example, in diabetes.

In addition, there are substances that can contribute to the foul odor. Some of these are certain spices, as well as things like alcohol and tobacco. If you want to get rid of the smell of sweaty feet for good in a simple, natural and cheap way, pay close attention to the following section.

How can I make the smell of sweaty feet disappear?

It is important that the people who suffer from this ailment take measures. As part of their daily routine, they can use talcum powder or foot deodorant. But you can also proceed to washing your feet with antibacterial soap. Washing your feet every day is a good habit that reduces the number of bacteria.

In addition, those who suffer from smelly feet should wear cotton socks to allow for sweating. It is also recommended to wear shoes that breathe.

Remedies to fight odor of sweaty feet

1. Apple cider vinegar

Get rid of sweaty feet smell with apple cider vinegar

Vinegar helps to reduce acidity and also maintains a healthy pH balance.


  • ½ cup vinegar (125 ml)
  • ½ cup warm water (125 ml)

What should you do?

  • Place the vinegar and water in a container large enough to submerge your feet in. Let them soak for 15-20 minutes.
  • After this time has passed, it is important to dry the folds of your toes very well. The humidity in these folds could invite unwanted microbes.

2. Baking Soda

baking soda

It’s time to look in the closet! Baking soda is an excellent ingredient for combating the smell of sweaty feet. This is due to its astringent properties.

What should you do?

  • After taking a shower, you should dry your feet thoroughly.
  • Then sprinkle the baking soda on your feet and in your shoes.
  • You will be surprised how effective the results are.

3. Sage


This plant is an antiperspirant, thanks to the B vitamins and magnesium it contains. In addition, it also prevents excessive sweating. In addition, it attacks the bacteria that cause the odor.

You can put 2 or 3 leaves in each shoe. This way they can absorb the smell of sweaty feet. You can also make a good infusion of sage to wash your feet with.


  • 10 sage leaves
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)

What should you do?

  • Heat the water and when it starts to boil, add the sage.
  • Then let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the heat source and wait for it to cool.
  • When it is at room temperature, soak your feet in it for 15 minutes.
  • Then you should rinse the feet and dry them well.

4. Lemon


Lemons are highly acidic, which helps fight germs and control unpleasant odors.

What should you do?

  • Wash and dry your feet well.
  • After this, scrub the feet with half a lemon and put on your socks as usual.

5. Vodka


This alcoholic drink acts as a disinfectant for bad odors. It is a powerful disinfectant.

What should you do?

Dampen a cloth with a little bit of vodka and wipe your feet with it.

6. Salt


If you’re looking for faster solutions, salt is a good ally. Thanks to its properties, it balances acid levels. In addition, it reduces the amount of toxins.


  • 3 tablespoons salt (30 g)
  • Hot water (as much as needed)

What should you do?

Put the salt in a bucket of hot water and soak your feet in it for 10 minutes.

7. Alcohol


Alcohol is a bactericidal agent that is able to effectively eliminate various substances that can be harmful to your health.

What should you do?

If you want to eliminate the smell of sweaty feet, wash and dry your feet well.
Then scrub them with an alcohol-soaked piece of cotton.

8. Aloe Vera

aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the natural remedies that does an excellent job of treating your skin. Its disinfecting properties are able to combat unpleasant odors.


  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (30 g)

What should you do?

  • Rub the gel on clean feet.
  • Wait for it to dry and wipe off the residue with a towel.

9. Radish, Ginger and Lime

Radish, ginger and lime

The combination of these ingredients is synonymous with certain success. Ginger is naturally antibacterial. Radish and lime both act as an astringent.


  • 1 radish
  • 4 ginger roots
  • The juice of 1 lime

What should you do?

  • Grate the radish and ginger.
  • Mix them with the lime juice to form a paste.
  • Then apply it to clean and dry feet.
  • Wait 20 minutes and then rinse them off.

10. Lavender


A few drops of lavender oil will help you fight smelly feet. This is due to the antibacterial properties that lavender possesses.

What should you do?

  • Massage in a few drops of lavender oil after washing your feet.
  • You will see how this essential oil can take away the smell.

11. Black Tea

Black tea

The stronger the better! Black tea helps with pH balance. This is due to the high amount of tannin. These are substances that resist heat and attack by germs.

What should you do?

  • Make black tea first.
  • Once it’s cool, put it in a container big enough for your feet.
  • Then soak them for 30 minutes.
  • After the time is up, rinse your feet.
  • Finally, dry them well.
  • Repeat this process as many times as you like for a week. 

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