11 Plants That Help You Lose Weight

If you have made the choice to use plants for natural weight loss, it is preferable to use plants with diuretic properties along with those that provide detox. In this way, excess fluid is removed from the body and accumulated fat is burned at the same time.
11 plants that help you lose weight

We have already written it several times on Healthier Living and cannot emphasize enough that successful weight loss requires  a total approach, in which you slowly but surely build up a regular routine of tasty healthy food, drink enough water during the day and pay attention to several times a week. exercise.

If you get started with these healthy lifestyle rules, you can easily combine them with the use of natural resources that will help you regain your ideal weight.

This article lists the benefits of 11 plants that have diuretic and fat-burning properties and that undoubtedly help control your body weight.

What are the best plants to lose weight successfully?

Depending on how these plants work, they can be divided into two groups:

  • Diuretic : These plants remove accumulated fluid from the body and increase urine production.
  • Detox : These plants increase the rate of metabolism in the body, burning fat faster.

If you have taken the step to follow a total program to be able to put on that size smaller again, then the plants described below will undoubtedly help you achieve results quickly.

These pearls of mother nature have both diuretic and purifying properties. Below we will guide you through the use of herbs and plants to lose weight with good results.

Horsetail or horsetail

Horsetails can be found in specialized herbal shops or health food stores.


  • 100 grams of dried horsetail grass
  • 1 liter of water

How do you proceed?

  • Bring the water to a boil and add the horsetail grass. Let it boil for half an hour.
  • Remove from the heat and allow the infusion to cool with the lid closed.
  • Pass the drink through a sieve, pour into a bottle or bowl that closes tightly and store in the refrigerator.
  • Drink two tablespoons (15ml) of this drink mixed in a glass of water (200ml) every day.
  • Do not leave the infusion in the refrigerator for more than a week.



Dandelion is a powerful medicinal plant that not only helps to lose weight, but also ensures that high cholesterol levels are reduced. Make a tea with dandelion to enjoy both properties.


  • A handful of dried dandelion petals and root
  • One and a half liters of water

How do you proceed?

  • Let the water boil and add the dandelion. Let it boil for fifteen minutes. Afterwards, let the drink cool slightly.
  • Strain the infusion and season it by adding a spoonful of honey.
  • Drink a cup of dandelion infusion before each meal.


Admittedly, this plant does not have a particularly good image, but it does have a lot of interesting properties that can contribute to lasting weight loss.


  • Two tablespoons of dried nettle leaves or about 30 grams
  • 1 liter of water

How do you proceed?

  • Let the dried nettle boil for ten minutes.
  • Afterwards, filter the infusion and drink up to three cups a day, preferably before each meal.


The bark of the birch tree has been used for centuries in many natural remedies to promote health.


  • 50 grams of birch bark
  • 1 liter of water

How do you proceed?

  • Boil the bark for about five minutes.
  • Remove it from the heat source and let it steep for another five minutes.
  • Strain it and store it in a tightly closed glass bottle.

You can drink up to six tablespoons of this infusion per day, added to a glass of water or freshly made fruit juice.

chicory root

Did you know that chicory is sometimes used in salads as a substitute for regular green lettuce? It has a slightly bitter, but full-bodied taste and you can also use the roots of the plant to prepare an infusion that will help you lose weight.


  • 2 tablespoons dried chicory root or about 30 grams
  • 1 liter of water

How do you proceed?

  • Grind the carrots finely and let them boil for about 15 minutes.
  • Let it steep for another 15 minutes after cooking.
  • Strain the infusion and drink two cups a day.

yerba mate

Green Leafy Vegetables

This infusion is mainly drunk in South American countries such as Uruguay, Brazil and Paraguay, where it is widely praised for its diuretic properties.

You don’t have to prepare the tea in the traditional way. You can make a simple infusion of the yerba mate. You can also buy pre-prepared mate tea bags at health food stores.


  • A handful of yerba mate
  • A cup of boiling water or about 200 ml

How do you proceed?

  • Prepare the tea as you would any other tea.
  • Let the infusion steep for a while, pass it through a sieve and add a spoonful of honey if necessary.


Just like the stinging nettle, this plant also has a not-so-good reputation and few are aware that this plant has many health-promoting properties. You can find them in every field, along the road and also in any health food store or herbal shop. Take advantage of an inexpensive natural remedy to get rid of your excess pounds and process thistle in a tea that you can safely drink daily.


  • 50 dried thistle root
  • 1 liter of water

How do you proceed?

  • Boil the carrot for fifteen minutes.
  • Let it soak for a while and pass through a sieve again.
  • You can drink this tea three times a day before each meal.

Fucus or bladderwrack


Bladderwrack is not so well known, but it is also considered a superfood and belongs to the algae that you can simply find at the bottom of the sea. The plant is rich in iodine and many other minerals such as potassium, bromine, magnesium, calcium and iron.

This medicinal plant is often recommended in natural slimming therapies because the high doses of iodine it contains stimulate the functioning of the thyroid gland, thereby speeding up the body’s metabolism. It is also a powerful diuretic and also suppresses the appetite, making the annoying craving for snacks and sweets disappear into the background. You can buy bladderwrack as an extract, in powder form, or as capsules.

Tea is undoubtedly the best way to enjoy the many benefits of bladderwrack.


  • 15 grams of bladderwrack
  • 1 liter of water

How do you proceed?

  • Just like the other infusions boil, infuse and strain.
  • You can also drink up to three cups of this per day.

corn beard

Corn beards are the fine hairs found on every corn cob that also possess powerful diuretic and purifying properties. This plant is easy to process in infusions in the same way as described above. If you opt for the cornbeard cure, drink the first cup on an empty stomach and the following cups just before lunch and dinner.


Artichoke is not only delicious to use in many healthy dishes, but is a fantastic natural means to remove excess water from the body. You can also drink up to three cups of this remedy per day.


  • An artichoke heart
  • 1 liter of water

How do you proceed?

  • Chop the artichoke into fine pieces and let it cook for about five minutes.
  • Let it soak for a while and then pass the infusion through a sieve.
  • Use honey or stevia to slightly sweeten this diuretic tea.

red tea

Red Tea

An ideal tea to include in your weight loss strategy. Like green tea, this tea is a great addition to any weight loss program due to its diuretic properties.

You can drink up to four cups of red tea per day. It is available in any health food store and you prepare it like any other tea.

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