10 Tips So You Don’t Have To Wash Your Hair Every Day

Washing your hair every day is not only boring, but also harmful. This increases the production of fat and ultimately makes your hair dirtier.
10 tips so that you don't have to wash your hair every day

Washing your hair every day may be necessary to keep it clean at all times. However, it takes a lot of time. Good hygiene is also necessary to protect the pH of our scalp.

But it is better not to wash your hair every day. The fact is that your sebaceous glands start to produce more fat from washing your hair every day.

So if you want to combine health, convenience and hygiene, keep these 10 tips in mind. They will allow you to have perfect hair without having to schedule hair washing every day.

1. We are what we eat

The saying “you are what you eat” is more true than you might think. So if you want to wash your hair less often so that your hair stays clean for a longer period of time, pay attention to your diet.

For that purpose, you should avoid the following foods:

  • fatty food
  • fried food
  • sugar
  • White bread
  • canned food

Instead, opt for foods that help reduce the activity of your sebaceous glands:

  • fruit
  • vegetables
  • dairy products
  • lean meat
  • nuts

2. Try dry shampoo

Wash hair with dry shampoo

There are a number of dry shampoos that are touted as excellent.

  • To remove grease with dry shampoo, section your hair and apply the shampoo to the roots of the hair as if it were hairspray.
  • If the shampoo is in powder form like talcum powder, then you should also apply it to the roots of the hair, wait 10 minutes and then brush your hair.
  • In this way, you will create a layer on the greasy hair that will help the hair to stay clean for longer.

3. Do not wash your hair with very hot water

The temperature of the water with which we wash our hair is important in order to keep the hair clean for longer.

It is wise to wash your hair with lukewarm or cool water. Never with hot water because that increases the amount of sebum that the scalp produces.

In addition, you should also let your hair dry naturally, not with a hair dryer.

4. Braid Your Hair

If you have oily hair and you don’t have time to wash it at the time, braid it.

This will hide the greasy roots of the hair. The thicker the braid, the better.

The best option is to avoid making the braid very neat and smooth. That will help hide the fact that your hair isn’t clean.

5. Change your divorce

Do your divorce on the other side of where you otherwise have it.

Just think about this: if your hair is used to a certain position, it will get dirtier exactly where the parting is.

With something as simple as changing your parting, you can achieve more volume. Moreover, without washing your hair, you can make your hair look cleaner.

6. Wash your hairbrush regularly

Wash hair and clean brush

It is best to clean your hairbrush or comb that you normally use at least once a week.

If you don’t, the residue of the sebum, conditioner or other products will get into your hair even if it’s clean.

  • To avoid this, all you need to do is grab your brushes and combs and rinse them with lukewarm water and shampoo or soap once a week.

7. Brush your hair before going to sleep

A good tip to keep your hair cleaner for longer is to brush it before going to sleep.

Pull your hair up and lay it so that it lies along the top of your pillow, and make a ponytail or a loose braid.

8. Avoid Straight Hairstyles

Wash hair and use hair straightener

If you have oily hair, a straight hairstyle will make it look dirtier and greasier.

To avoid this, the best option is to tease the roots a bit to get more volume and put your hair in a bun.

9. Learn to wash your hair the right way

It’s not good to just wash your hair. To achieve better results, there is a certain technique that you should keep in mind:

  • When you wash it, don’t scratch your scalp. Instead, use your fingertips to rub it in gently.
  • Do not apply conditioner to the roots, only apply it from the middle to the tips of the hair.
  • Squeeze your hair well once you’re done, before removing any extra moisture with a towel. 

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