10 Common Cooking Mistakes

Cooking seems easy. However, it is possible that you unconsciously make mistakes. Read on to refresh your memory.
10 Common Cooking Mistakes

In the kitchen, we make some common “cooking mistakes” that can affect the taste and quality of food. Below we explain to you how you can prevent these errors.

Not everyone is a master chef. People make blunders in the kitchen. However, these can greatly influence the taste and quality of your dish. In this article, we will therefore show you 10 common cooking mistakes, some of which can even harm your health.

Therefore, take a good look at the cooking process

It is important to look for problems during the cooking process and to find a solution. Whenever you cook, you have to pay close attention, be patient and practice some things over and over again. If you do this, you can avoid many mistakes and your dishes will be tastier.

Don’t taste your food

One of the most common mistakes people make when cooking at home is not tasting their own food. Forgetting this little detail can mean the difference between a good and a bad meal.

During the entire cooking process, you should therefore taste your food at different times to make sure you get the desired dish.

Don’t read the whole recipe


A recipe to the letter is the easiest and best way to prepare a delicious dish. However, sometimes we are under too much pressure or are distracted by other things, causing us to forget a detail from the recipe that could affect the result of your dish.

Not weighing ingredients

Recipes always contain recommended amounts of each ingredient. These amounts are the key to a great tasting dish and ensure that certain flavors do not overpower.

Substitution of ingredients


It sometimes happens that we don’t have the exact ingredient available and we opt for an alternative. This is a common mistake that can ruin your dish. So try to use the designated ingredients as much as possible.

Preparing different foods together

It is normal to think that preparing food together can save you a lot of time when preparing a dish. However, when you prepare different ingredients in one pan, it can take even longer and flavors can transfer to each other.

Using low quality ingredients

The quality of your food has a major influence on the success of your dish. You can get a bargain or a certain product is on sale, but the cheapest product is not always the best tasting product. Use high quality foods for better taste.

Cooking too long

The right timing is essential for a good dish. Cooking a product for too long can completely ruin all the hard work and preparation you’ve put into the dish. Most recipes will specify a specific cooking time.

Follow these as closely as possible for best results.

Don’t wash your hands


It is a form of basic hygiene to wash your hands when you cook. We all know that our hands are full of bacteria, which can be transferred to the food you prepare.


When it comes time to add salt to your dish, it can be one of the most difficult steps in the cooking process. After all, too much or too little salt is a common mistake in the kitchen. So the best way to have the right amount of salt in your dish is to add it little by little, tasting every time.

Do not wash your food

This is more common with certain foods than with others, such as fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind that certain foods are sprayed with pesticides and can contain the bacteria of all the people who already ingested them before they came to your kitchen.

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